mmm-yoso!!! is the food blog. Kirk, ed(from Yuma) and Cathy write about what and where they ate. You get to read and enjoy vicariously.
Hi again. The 2009 San Diego County Fair opens this Friday, June 12 at 10 a.m. I have blogged about the Fair in prior years. Last Saturday, it was just beginning to be set up.
Some vendors had placed their booths.
Some rides were being set up.
What I like to call "The Heart of the Fair"-the reason State and County Fairs exist...for farmers to show the fruits of their work, the Home Arts section of the Fair, had entries brought in and and judging has been happening.
The judges of Preserved Foods- Fruits, Vegetables, Jams, Jellies, Preserves, Conserves, Soft Spreads, Honey, Syrup, Vinegar, Pickles, Relishes and Sauces...spent a grueling four hours tasting the variations in those categories (for example, apricot, apricot-pineapple, berry (other than listed), boysenberry, low sugar, mixed fruit of two or more berries, mixed fruit of two or more non-berry, peach, plum,raspberry, strawberry and other than listed Jams) Each judge got about 45 jars of preserved something to check for proper labeling, proper preparation, taste, compare against the others in that category and then decide which entry was good enough to be awarded a First, Second or Third place ribbon, given an Honorable Mention, or not awarded any prize.
Then all the First Place winners in each category went up against each other, to determine the "Best in Show"
All so that you can walk in on Opening Day and see ribbons on everything.
This year there are many ways to save on some of the more expensive parts of the Fair, like admission, parking and food from some of the vendors.
Go to the website for details. If you enter a daily contest, you get in free. If you plan on going more than twice throughout the run (it closes July 5) you can pay $22 for a pass good every day. If you come on a Tuesday, almost every food booth has some good sized $2 samples.
The Theme of the Fair is "Music Mania" and there will be many small shows going on all day and night concerts.
Don Diego will be at the Front Gate.
And I have my work cut out for me.
See you at the Fair!
June 12-July 5, 2009
we're going to be there most likely!
Posted by: tastymealsathome | Sunday, 07 June 2009 at 07:09 AM
Hey Cathy, the boysenberry preserves sounds delicious! I love boysenberry jam.
Posted by: Carol | Sunday, 07 June 2009 at 01:37 PM
Something just seems so wrong with the name Zucchini Weenie.....
Posted by: Kirk | Sunday, 07 June 2009 at 06:04 PM
Hey TMAH- you can buy discount tickets at Albertsons and park free at the Horse Park(about a mile East at Via De La Valle) and get driven to the front gate on a school bus or maybe a double save money for the food booths and rides and vendors..
Hi Carol! I always ate Dannon boysenberry on the bottom yogurt in University, but as far as a PB&J sandwich goes, Welches Concord Grape satisfies my cravings...
Um...yeah, Kirk...I am scouring the Thesaurus looking for decent euphemisms regarding the Zucchini least I never did the post about Pho King, despite the fact that The Mister and I do enjoy Pho King and I'd want to talk about Pho King on a blog to complete strangers...
Posted by: cathy | Sunday, 07 June 2009 at 06:29 PM