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Sunday, 14 June 2009



lol! Great MIL story! I hope she does get the recipe. Too bad it wasn't closer or else I'd stop by for some dumplings, too.


I wouldn't have thought I'd miss Monterey Park living there for a few years. I definitely took the food for granted, and that was the small few handful of places that I actually visited.. Anyway thanks for the good laugh as well!


Lamb dumplings! OOOOOHHH must try. I'm in L.A. visitng parents at moment, but no time to go to Monterey Park this time!


wow! your MIL is so funny. I guess you need to take her the next time she visits?!


Love the "B" grade. We had some mantou from here fresh from the steamer. Each was the size of my head!!! Yummmm....


Hi Carol - You know, if you plan right, you can make at least 3-4 stops on a road trip to make it worthwhile. ;o)

Hi Dennis - We kinda took the SGV for granted when we lived there too.

Hi Jaden - I hope you're having a great time. I really like the flavor of the lamb.

Hi Kat - I think I'll have to!

Hi Liver - The size of your head!!! Did you finish it off?


That was funny. Boy am I not surprise. Don't dis the MIL our you STARVE ;-)My MIL bribes me with food scandalous!!!

ed (from Yuma)

A funny and yummy post.


haha great story....that "soup" in the dumpling looks delicious, as does the green beans baozi...will have to check this place out. when i saw bread food, i thought this was going to be about a bakery


Hi Billy - Right you are.........

Hi Ed - I'm glad you enjoyed the post!

Hi Sawyer - Yes, the translation of the Chinese name just isn't right.....


One day I'll cave and make the drive over to that area and eat me some dumplings galore.

Now if only I could get the husband to like dumplings...


in-laws are probably related in some way or form to the QDBC people.


what is the lacy stuff on the dumpling pinwheel? I've seen that on dumplings before, is it just fluff that leaks from the filling? everything looks delicious

Eat. Travel. Eat!

This looks really good and very interesting! Great story BTW. It is such a coincidence that the restaurant's owner used to live in the same neighborhood as your mother-in-law!

So much juice in the dumplings! I've never encountered that much juice before. I need to visit this place!


Hi Rosa - Maybe you'll be able to convert him with these???

Hi RONW - Or at least they know the same people.

Hi FH - During the cooking process a "slurry" is added to create that.

Hi Cliff - Some of that is the black vinegar I had in the spoon. Still, it had a good amount of soup.


So glad to hear that this joint is the real deal! It's a small world ;-)


Hi G - It'll be interesting to hear what my MIL has to say......

Andy (美國土子)

Kirk, I'm happy to hear that the missus says it's the real deal. I'm anxiously awaiting to see how you and the missus think of the other items.

I really like the Zhajiang mian nad seaweed, but I'm curious if this style is qing dao style.


Hi Andy - I'll make sure to post the next time we visit.

Pepsi Monster

Hey Kirk,

You're up here again. Gotta hit me up next time. It seemed like we are missing each other. LOL

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