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Thursday, 07 May 2009


Judy Lee

those tacos look soooooooooooo good. i'm salivating like pavlov's dogs


Yuma! All my produce growing friends love it... yummo.


You've really outdone yourself this time. What a CLASSIC food post! And that first doggie looked really good. I want to make myself some of those soon.

Not this weekend though, my free-diving brother is bringing 5 pounds of abalone to town for Mothers Day. I was thinking abalone tortas for our warm up. :)

But back to the topic. This was a seriously delicious post. I'll just get back to my oatmeal now.


gawd damn!!!! everything looks delicious. i do appreciate grilled green onions, but have never had them w/ the bulbs. i am going to seriously have to make a road trip out there sometime...

ed (from Yuma)

Yes, they were tacos deciciosos, judy, and I am so lucky that good tacos are plentiful here.

And yes, Melissa, this is a big produce growing town, though now mostly grass, melons, and pasta wheat are planted. Most of our lettuce labor force is working around Salinas.

Thanks, Jan, for the nice comments. Oatmeal sounds good too. Really.

The green onions with the large bulbs are common here, sawyer. Called Mexican green onions in the supermarkets. I sometimes will slice one up in a salad or add to tunafish. But I'd never seen the red version before.


wow, a taco truck food court sounds awesome! are the perros bacon wrapped? I've heard of these but haven't tried it yet. looks like a bunch of really good food.

ed (from Yuma)

It isn't a Mexican perro if it isn't bacon wrapped. It's really the choice of toppings that makes one different from the other. Well, also how long the dog has been sitting arround.

The food court term comes from Kirk, who spotted about 4-5 trucks in one lot when he visited a few years back. But this new location really seems better planned - but right now it is largely unoccupied.

Rich Kaszeta

Thanks again for another rundown on Yuma taco trucks and food courts.

Ed, you are a culinary savior, and have really helped me maximize my Yuma yumminess.


I stopped at the 24th st location in front of the convenience store. Rather sketchy set-up, but my lengua taco was delicious. At 1.25, a good value. Same cart, but the name was 'El Piedad'. ??

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