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Wednesday, 06 May 2009



"I'd eat it on shoe leather!" that sauce must have been pretty damn good!

i loved reading your take on antigua. sadly, my previous knowledge of antigua was that it was the exotic setting of the 'rio' video by duran duran.


oops - i made a mistake. wrong antigua! the 'rio' video's antigua was the caribbean island! d'oh!


i've seen that chicken before in la. never knew it was from Guatemala though. so that campero dog was a pork sausage? or was it a chicken sausage? fresh tortillas w/ some salsa sounds delicious right now too. haha man i'm hungry


Stay safe, Kirk. Try to not turn into a flying pig.

Might want to check too.


loved the photos of volcan de agua, awesome how big the sky looks without a lot of tall buildings!


Hi CC - Funny thing, a few days ago I was channel surfing and saw the old music video for Rio on VH1 classic!

Hi Sawyer - It was a mystery meat hot dog. ;o)

Hi Matt - Thanks! We took reasonable precautions.

Hi Kat - The lack of tall buildings.....maybe that's what always drew our attention.


You got me with the water fountain. It looks like a NEA sponsored art project... or somebody on the park planning board had a wry sense of humor.


LOL mindless - The fountain is supposed to be a reconctruction of the original fountain built in 1738..... ;o)


dang fresh tortilas sound SO spot on right now, i can eat those plain! the closest thing I can have to real tortillas are 50 miles away from me both (i'm in the OC right now so) so that would be LA and SD haha


Hi Cliff - I'm sure there are tortillerias in the OC.


I love the picture of the blue hued building with the orange illuminated doorway... it evokes such mystery and beauty. And those handmade tortillas and the fried chicken sounded so good.

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