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Tuesday, 07 April 2009



How unfortunate you could not sample the out door market, but it sure sound like you guys really roughed it to see the country side I would too. Regarding the electric fly zapper I think they sell it at Boat and Harbor and it make the little pesky fly pop just don't touch it yourself.


Oh yeah regarding the shooting gun services would have been a great hunting experience ;-)


I saw the fly zapper at 99 ranch and viet dong!


Awesome, Kirk! I thought it was great that you two went to the market instead of the restaurant. Those big pots of soups/stews looked delicious. By the way, I've seen the fly zapper at Great News.

Michelle are right, that hallway is ALWAYS in any Asian scary movie! I've seen the same kind of hallway with exactly the same lighting in Thai, Cambodian and even Korean ghost movies too! Look for the Thai ghost movie when the main character starts seeing ghosts with his camera..hehehe


It's sad that you didn't have a chance to taste some Phnom Penh noodles. Mmm, I'm craving that now. T_T


great COMC, the KFC here doesn't serve mashed potatoes with gravy.

Masa Assassin

Wow Kirk as gun enthusiast I must say I've never had a chance to fire a B-40 at the local range, that's classic!


Hi Billy - OK, I better keep an eye peeled...

Hi Tammy - We may just have to go buy one....

Hi GF - For some reason, I find that Great News carries this kinda funny.

Hi Michelle - he-he-he.... Can you imagine on of those beings gliding down that acrylic floor, they glide without moving their legs!!!

Hi Christine - Do you mean Kuyteav? I heard it's much like Hu Tieu. I did get a chance to taste Num Banh Chok, though.

Hi Kat - Really? No mashed potatoes at KFC....that's just wrong.

Hi MA - I hope you don't plan to go shooting by taxis both ways...


I like the clearing out part - great post. I wonder how they capture all of those giant bugs in the market? Are they still alive?


Hi FH - No the bugs have been roasted. As for harvesting? I haven't a clue....and perhaps that's for the best.

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