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Monday, 02 March 2009



I just stained my tie with drool...


we had some sleet today, this looks like a perfect way to warm up!

Passionate Eater

From your pictures, I always dream of moving to SD, Kirk! Even though there could be better XLB, SD has our four favorite people/dogs, Kirk, the Missus, and the 2 Boyz!


Hi Liver - LOL! Serves you right for wearing a tie in SD. ;o)

Hi Kat - careful, and keep warm.

Hi PE - Thanks for always being so nice!


Mmm...I have been craving spicy chinese food. I haven't been to Dede's in a long time. If they serve you some cold appetizers in the beginning, do they still have the appetizers in front where you can choose a couple for about $5?


Hi Kirbie - Yes, of course. I believe it's $5.69, or something like that. The weather will be perfect for Sichuan...or hot pot!

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