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Sunday, 22 March 2009



the bao looked really good! I think I need to go hunt for some good dim sum here...


Wow what gem too bad the Wife and I won't get to experience the joy any time soon. Darn!

Passionate Eater

I love your stories about the Missus and her family's experiences. Thank you for sharing.


Hi Kat - I'll love to read about what you find.

Hi Billy - Yes, it was an interesting meal.

Hi PE - No, thank you for reading!


sounds like a charming restaurant, those dumplings! and that yogurt! I have a mysterious clay pot marked Tianjin preserved vegetables in my pantry that I have yet to open...

Wandering Chopsticks

I didn't know BlueCherry made Beijing-style yogurt. I thought it only sold the fro-yo that's popular now. Will have to stop in.

Are you still looking for shen jian bao? My favorite are at Kang Kang Food Court, where the old Shau May used to be on Valley/Garfield. I'll blog about it soon so you can see.


Hi FH - I think what you have Tianjin Dongcai....good stuff.

Hi WC - Great! I look forward to your post.

Pepsi Monster

Kirk, I'm too scare to go back to Blue Cherry again. Bad memories.

Good recommendation of Tianjian, I'll have to check it out when I'm at that plaza again.


That Yogurt looks/sounds delicious. I wonder where it's available in SD area?


Hi PM - The menu at Tianjin Bistro is a bit different.

Hi Lynnea - We've been looking around for it....I don't think we'll find it here, but i'll let you know if I do.

Jeff C

So those corn bread are the types that were mentioned by some history books as the ones the Empress Dowager took a liking to when she had to flee the palace during a coup.


Hi Jeffrey - Funny you should mention that; my MIL said it was a different type of wo-wo tou. I'll get some clarification.

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