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Tuesday, 31 March 2009


Wandering Chopsticks

I'll have to try this. I love perilla and cucumbers. I have plenty of purple perilla in the yard. I've substituted it for betel leaves to grill with beef and that works quite nicely too.


Wow that's amazing you were able to get such a great char on cucumbers! I've made a sliced cucumber stir-fry before but nothing like this. Thanks as usual Kirk!


Hi WC - This one was so easy, I felt guilty about posting it.

Hi Dennis - Lining the wok with the cucumber really got it off to a good start.....


hey kirk! i was just going to do cucumbers in scallion oil tonight, but i might do this instead. i'm sad, i have no idea what i've done with my copy of dunlop's's somewhere....


I grew up with only eating cucumbers raw, but this sounds delicious!

ed (from Yuma)

You cook some amazing things. It looks wonderful, but sounds weird.


Hi Santos - I hope you find it, I love her cookbooks.

Hi Kat - I grew up eating cucumbers only raw as well....I plan to mention that in a future post....along with eating cooked lettuce.

Hi Ed - The "strangeness" factor was why I tried out the recipe, which turned out to be pretty good.


Those are beautiful pictures and the recipe sounds great. I noticed that I have an explosion of purple shiso in my backyard herb garden (they're even sprouting in my cymbidium orchids) along with green. Looks delicious and healthy


Hi FH - Man, you all have green thumbs.....I can't even grow crabgrass!

Jeff C

Wonderfully fragrant, I'll have to try this one Kirk.


Hi Jeffrey - It seems like an odd combination, but turned out rather well.


i've never had a cucumber that was cooked before...sounds interesting. what exactly is the difference between the purple and korean perilla?


Hi Sawyer - They are different species, and the flavor is a bit different as well.


I grew up eating Korean perilla and love it! It grows like the dickens, we used to have it in our backyard and we could not keep up with the yield! Looks tasty and a really interesting combo of flavors!


Hi Marie - Welcome, and thanks for commenting. This dish came out much better than I initially thought it would.

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