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Monday, 09 March 2009



too bad about the TFC/LFC, hopefully the next time you go they'll have more dishes that you like.


Hi Kat - Yes...the search for Thai Fried Chicken continues...


The LFC looks good but too bad didn't taste good. Coincidentally, I'm going to try Pim's TFC recipe today. Hope I don't screw it up.


OH man Kirk, nothing we get out here in NYC could even remotely compare to what you get! I've never even heard of Lao-style pho, but simple hot bowl of broth with plenty of meatballs sounds good right about now ^_^


The "Sabaidee" story made me chuckle. I get in trouble that way too - using one of my few words or phrases in another language with pretty decent pronunciation and then getting a barrage in response that I have no hope of understanding.


Hi Carol - I can't wait to see how they turn out!

Hi Kathy - I'm sure they're Lao restaurants where you're at.....

Hi Mike - You know, I've got to stop doing that......


Yum, squeaky meatballs! The spicy jeow sounds interesting, too bad about the fried chicken.


Hi FH - This place was interesting, if a bit all over the place.

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