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Friday, 06 February 2009



Yum, my mom used to make almost the same recipe when I was a kid. is that supposed to be 1/4 cup vinegar in the main body of the post? Also, Cathy, I just read the whole set of comments for your Chicken and Dumplings post and I'm sorry you had to go through that. I really enjoy your posts, as well as this entire blog.


I fixed it- thanks and welcome, Scotty. You use vinegar to give the cabbage more of a kraut flavor. Thanks for the kind words. The blog is just a fun thing for all of us to do. We each lead various "other" lives and this writing about what we eat is a way of thinking differently. I am moving forward from those hurtful comments. :)


Great. Glad to hear you're moving on. I'm a software developer and blogging is also my way of doing something different and indulging my culinary side.


OMG!!! I seriously just bought cabbage and ground beef at the store two hours before I read this post, we must be on the same wavelength. :) I was planning to make my mom's version, which is similar. Yours looks yummy though! Never tried it with bacon.


We love stuffed cabbage! I like your version, nice and simple. My MIL makes a Croatian version (Sarma or Sardama) where the filling is a mix of ground beef/port and rice. Then it's boiled for a couple of hours in a tomato base sauce with Sauerkraut. The Mister always whips up a batch of garlic mash potatoes with it. I'll have to learn how to make this one day.


Right, Scotty, it's just a blog. We have fun here. Nobody can bully me. I can delete them!

Hi, Lori! Great minds... There are lots of variations I did not list- instead of rice, you can put in oatmeal or bulghur or chopped mushrooms or even tofu. The bacon and then onions is what my mom does for just about everything- add to the meat for the golabki, add to the kraut for kapusta or fry the perogis in it...

You know, I started to write about all the variations, holubki in Lithuania and the sarma in Croatia...then I stopped. It's very simple and you probably could just layer the cabbage and a lasgne...or my 'easy (read: lazy) enchilada...It's just getting the flavors to meld...and I so love cabbage in every form.


In high school, my best friend's mom (who was of Polish American extraction) made this dish with tomato sauce to which she'd added a little sugar and cornstarch, as well as some kind of spice (mace?) So, the tomato soup is a brilliant shortcut. I'm surprised she didn't do that instead?

_ts of [eatingclub] vancouver

I have a wekaness for cabbage rolls!!!

_ts of [eatingclub] vancouver

I mean "WEAKNESS", of course, not wekaness. ;)


Hi Cathy. Thanks for the post. My grandma used to make them, and I always thought they were really hard to make. This sounds nice and easy.
I also have to say, I am absolutely shocked by the amount of abuse that was heaped on you regarding your chicken and dumpling post. I tried making them from scratch once and it was a disaster. This sounds really easy. I have been reading this blog for a couple years now, and I have learned a lot from you, ed in yuma, and Kirk. Keep posting, please.


Hi Amy...some things are so simple to add...I grew up with onion powder, garlic powder and celery salt as our "spice rack", to make things even more 'exotic'.

Hi, ts- I understand your weakness -and fragility-after eating all that prime rib... Wonderful blog.

Hey, Stephen- The most difficult thing about making the rolls is uniformity...since the cabbage leaves get smaller, the sizes and amount of filling will vary, and the technique for filling and rolling changes with each leaf. It is just good food.
Thanks for the kind words. We do just blog and try to be informative and sometimes amusing. Really, nobody deserves to be called names. Especially not for talking about how and what they eat.


My word of advice to everyone reading this post whose Mom makes cabbage rolls is get the recipe! My father is Polish, mom a WASP, but she loved making cabbage rolls. Unfortunately, her memory is gone and I don't know how she made her sauce. There are so many of her recipes that are now lost. Don't let another day go by without asking for family recipes.

ed (from Yuma)

Great stuff (pun intended?). I grew up eating cabbage rolls and stuffed peppers.

When I lived in SD, I used to get to-die-for cabbage rolls at The Sherlock Holmes on Garnet, perhaps the most unfortunately named Russian Restaurant ever. Served with a dollop of sour cream and so savory and saucy and cabbagey and good.

Never tried to make them myself, but with this post as inspiration . . .


Very true, rooney. Thanks for telling everyone. Most recipes are not written...and almost never measured.

It is not that difficult, ed. Really the rolling technique is the toughest part. You can alter things to your taste. I think sour cream on the side sounds good.


oOOooo I had this for the first time this past December at my husbands relatives house. Yummmmy. I will definately try making this. She added cheese when she baked hers.


Hello and Welcome to the commenting side of the blog, Cat. I never have had stuffed cabbage with cheese.I will try that on half a batch next time. I like your blog.


"The rolls are called golabki (ga-whump-key)(there is a thingy underneath the "L" that makes the pronunciation different) in Polish (the word means "little pigeons")."

The 'thingy' (accent) is under the A. The L has a line through it.



Thanks Anna. When I wrote this almost four years ago, I asked my mom and didn't research further. Welcome to the commenting side of our blog.

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