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Friday, 20 February 2009


Masa AssAssin

The Chicken Katsu Loco looks good, I love over easy eggs on top of most anything. From what I understand they that was not available on your second trip?

Passionate Eater

Yea, the return of the PLATE LUNCH!! Goodness, those oozing eggs really make that plate lunch "pop!"


aww too bad the place is inconsistent, the photos look really ono!


I haven't gone out for Hawaiian BBQ (or a plate lunch for that matter) since Mo's closed. :-(

There is a new BBQ place by my house but I did the same thing. Went in when it first opened and after a year, still haven't been back. My first experience wasn't so good as your's, it just wasn't very good. Don't know if I can stomach going back. Maybe I should just suck it up and try it one more time. Maybe


es' why hard, Kirk.


yeah, i saw this new place that replaced da kine's when i was at the small japanese store next door. there's so many hawaiian places now but not all of them are good or consistent.


Sadly, I've never dug into a plate of plate lunch. Luckily, my Hawaiian friend Liana is coming to the mainland next month and we're gonna have some plate lunch together. Do you know of any good places in the L.A. area? I'm down with quality chains too.


Hi MA - The Katsu Loco wasn't available on my second visit.

Hi PE - Wouldn't be the same without it!

Hi Kat - It's never the same twice it seems....

Hi Carol - If it was that bad...maybe it's not worth it.

Hi RONW - yes, dat's why hard....

Hi CC - Most of them aren't very good.

Hi G - You're friend is coming from Hawaii, and you're getting plate lunch? Nothing comes close to the stuff back home. My favorite, when we still lived in LA, were:

Bruddah's Hawaiian Foods
1033 W. Gardena Blvd, Gardena, CA 90247

Aloha Cafe Hawaiian Restaurant
410 E. 2nd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

Just set the expectations low....


OMG the katsu loco moco is making my mouth water. i don't know of anybody serving that up on Oahu. Do you know?

Brian Bautista

It's crazy to see all these "Hawaiian BBQ" joints all over the city. What's more worse are those self serve fro-yo places!!! Entrepreneurs always try and cash in on the latest fad. :P


Hi Sammy - I haven't a clue.....but it does look good doesn't it? I really enjoyed it.

Hi Brian - The menu here is the same as Da' Kine's. And fro-yo has taken over the city......

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