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Wednesday, 18 February 2009



hi kirk,
holy sht - fish poo. and pond scum.

you are truly an adventurous eater.

loved the photos of the dishes - what a great variety!


I was there in November 2008, but my food didn't look as good as yours, can't wait to see the second part. :)


wow, you ate poo. (haha) would you eat it again?
looking forward to part 2.


whoa...interesting menu there, can't wait to hear about part 2.

ed (from Yuma)

Amazing stuff. I love your foreign posts, and people who think I'll eat anything just haven't met you. Thanks!


Hi Kirk,

Did you mean they scraped the intestinal matter out and used the fish gut to create the dish? This is interesting dish, I heard of preserved fish gut before, but not fish poo.


Hi CC - he-he-he....It's always been an objective to see what the "real folks" eat, and I guess this time we got it in spades.

Hi Ginger - Welcome, and thanks for taking the time out to comment. Funny, many of the dishes coming out of the kitchen looked like stuff we made in class.

Hi Sawyer - Sure I'd eat it again....funny thing though, if that ended up on my plate here in the states, I really wouldn't know how to react.

Hi Kat - Yes, definitely not your everyday meal.

Hi Ed - There's still stuff I won't eat.....

Hi Michelle - I believe they scrape the intestinal matter out of the gut, and probably mixed it with something to help preserve the fish. It covers the entire fish.


"okay, Joy says you'll eat anything....."

Reminds me of the old cereal commercial "Give it to Mikey! He'll eat anything."

It's a good thing Joy could vouch for you. I'll bet the restaurant has had some bad experiences in the past with (foreign?) diners who wouldn't touch these dishes.


Everything looks great, but I think I'd pass on the fish poo.

Little Miss Contrary

That's an interesting Laotian tasting menu, if I ever see one!


Spirogyra? Wow, you just took me waaaaaay back to freshman biology!


Wow, another great post. Love the pictures. Makes me miss my mom's cooking so much. Thanks for sharing.


Hi Sandy - Yes, that could be....In addition I think either Joy or Carolyn would have to be available for the dinner to present the dishes.

Hi Carol - LOL! So no fish poo for yooo? Sorry, I couldn't help it.

Hi LMCC - It get's even more interesting.....

Hi Jan - And you just took me back to "smooth jazz".... ;o)

Hi Mscinda - Wow, your Mom made stuff like this? I'm hoping you'll be able to post some recipes in the future!



too bad they didn't teach how to make those dishes in the cooking class.


LOL - me like a side of poo poo ;-)
That was interesting can't wait for part 2.


Hi Chris - LOL! Can you imagine having guests over and making this???

Hi Billy - Nice to hear from you, I hope things are going well. So there would be "poo for yooo!"


what a fun interesting meal, sounds like a head to tail feast! I am still smiling about fish poo and pond scum - what a world...

the office goat

Headline should have read:
Hawaiian goes to Laos, orders Poo-Poo Platter.

Faine G

Looks at the same time bizarre and exceedingly tasty.

I maintain everything tastes better served on banana leaf.


Hi FH - I agree what a delicious world!

Hi TOG - That's the best line I've heard or read all day!

Hi Faine - You have a valid point there.... fish poo on a banana leaf tastes better I'm sure!

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