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Monday, 12 January 2009



Wait, there's sugar on the fries? In addition to salt sprinkled on after frying? Huh? That's pretty darned weird, no wonder it threw your Missus.


lol, google "bareback"! Funny you posted on burgers today because I was just checking out Burger Lounge since they are having a special for Twitters that follow them.

The Avg. Joe looks pretty good and the fries sounds...interesting. I'll have to ask my friend who's from NZ if he's ever been here. Let us know how the lamb burger is when you try it!


Mmm looks good! I was just wondering about more places to try lunching in PB.. Thanks!


Hi Amy - Yes......sugar. Somewhat strange, but folks seem to love it.

Hi Carol - Yes, let me know if the sugar on fries is a Kiwi thing.

Hi Dennis - Check out Latin Chef.....Freddy, the Owner speaks fluent Japanese as well!

Judy Lee

I was just about to say... you MUST TRY THE LAMB BURGER. It's melt in your mouth yummy. I usually get it with brie ;)


mmm burgers looks delicious!


Hi Judy - OK! I must check it out! Thanks for the MAJOR REC! ;o)

Hi Kat - This was a good burger.

ed (from Yuma)

I've walked about this places hundreds of times - I never thought that the food would be interesting. Nice report.


Hi Ed - I enjoyed the burger at Bare Back, and those fries were indeed "different".


Ooohh...brie and lamb? Sounds good!
Man, I HATE that there are a million great and different places in that area. Parking and traffic are horrible. It's like driving through molassas.

I absolutely want to check out Latin Chef though. Especially after watching Bourdain visit Peru on a rerun last night.


not sure about sugar on the fries, but then again I love kettlecorn... and I certainly love french fries! does burger week mean you are eating a burger a day? Right on!


Hi Jan - ;o) I know what you mean..... timing is everything with places in PB.

Hi FH - Yes, it's a burger a day to keep the diet away.... sort of.

Captain Jack

Thanks for the shout out Kirk. The Bare li'l Lamb is my favorite. At Siesel's, where Bareback stores their meat, they are referred to as the "Broke-back Bar and Grill"


You gotta love those guys....


I love New Zealand. Second only to Singapore, it's the country that I most enjoyed visiting. OK, actually it's tied. How very awesome that they had lamb, because New Zealand is nothing but sheep...lots and lots of sheep.


Hi Elmo - I guess we'll have to plan a trip to NZ! Since we love lamb...lots and lots of lamb! ;o)

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