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Friday, 12 December 2008


ed (from Yuma)

Hey, missed you for a couple of weeks. I always read and enjoy the Friday recipes. My type of easy and easy cooking.

tina trotter

Is Cathy really Sandra Lee of the food network? She is a little too white bread for this blog is my opinion.


Hey ed- It's been a bit of an unscheduled year for me and I took a couple of weeks off. This recipe ends up being addictive.

Hello tina trotter- Welcome to this commenting side of the blog. I actually collect old Community/Church type cookbooks (have more than 100)and find the recipes from the 40's and 50's and 60's to be fascinating in their simplicity and adaptiveness to today's world. This particular recipe was adapted from "Favorite Recipes from our Best Cooks", Copyright 1968, written by members of the Congregational Church of Rockland, Maine. I use butter instead of Oleo. I don't talk tablescapes, alcoholic beverages nor complete meals when writing my recipes. I do plenty of "fancy" cooking, as my Father in Law was a Professional Chef, however enjoy preparing inexpensive yet tasty meals using quality ingredients on most nights and sharing these on the blog. I am glad you read my posts and am happy to have been asked by Kirk to help him with his blog for the past 2+ years.

the office goat

I'm gonna try this recipe: I have a feeling my kids might love it. They can be loony in their food preferences, but this has potential (4yearold son will eat all the raw fish and fish eggs off the top of a plate of sushi, but not the rice; 2yearold daughter will eat balut, but not turkey enchiladas).
Thanks Cathy!


Once you taste it, TOG, you'll want it for yourself. Seriously. Use saltines and real butter and any juice from the scallops or whatever fish. How sad, the children don't crave carbs-more for the rest of us! :)

the office goat

Made it (with scallops) last night, everybody liked it. My son also really liked smashing the crackers, too. Thanks again. Maybe if you call it "Poor man's mayo-free mock panko dynamite" the bigots won't get cranky.


Dynamite! Of Course, TOG. I changed the title. So glad you tried it and that everyone liked it. I sometimes get frustrated and try to defend myself, but I know whatever I write here is honest, which should be good enough.


Just saw this post while scrolling the side bar...and I want to make it soon with my fake Krab and some shrimp!

Great title by the way! :)

That 2nd commenter...geez. Some people are so rude and tactless.


Oh, you'll really like it, cc. Simple and just so tasty; you'll find yourself mashing up crackers and butter, pouring some half and half on top and baking it in the toaster oven. (Some comments need to stay up, even though I can delete.)

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