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Tuesday, 18 November 2008



wow, another action packed day. the view of the friendship bridge does look mesmerizing and I can't wait to read about that delicious looking last dish!


Hi FH - First off, thanks for reading, I know it's a pretty long post! That last dish was excellent....funny story behind it as well.


I admired you from a looooooong distance. The Missus is tough. I would have gone on strike and tell the Missus to move on without me right at the air-conditioned mall. "I will see you back at the hotel".:-)


Welcome home, brother. I was getting tired of casseroles.

Today's post makes me think that we should have married lazy women.

I've followed my wife up the 309 steps at Chiang Mai's Doi Suthep ("...the pilgrims do it!"), from one Roman ruin to another ('cause you know, only tourists take taxis...), and into what seemed like most of the 365 churches and cathedrals in Salvador de Bahia. Why don't these ladies ever ask us to follow them into an alley full of food stalls, or a nice a/c'd bar?

Off to New Orleans Thursday, to gamble, fish and eat. Wish me luck.


Hi Beach - Are you know the Missus. sometimes there's no denying Her. Plus, we were in a Communist Country....strikes are not allowed.

Hi Omar - Funny, I didn't think Doi Suthep was that bad..... Mount Phousi was harder. Have great trip.


beautiful pictures once again....

i'm going to try making latkes tomorrow based on your/wandering chopstix post a while back...can't believe it was dec 2007. for some reason it only felt like a couple months ago. my dad likes potatoes, and neither of us have tried a latke before so i'll tell you how it goes!


I'm from Vientiane. But you & the Missus saw and did more things in one day than I ever did in all the years I lived there! What stamina!!! Props to you both. And that Naem... oh sooo yummy looking... gotta make some SOON... what time does Lucky open???


Hi Sawyer - I'll be waiting to see how it turns out!

Hi Pheth - The Naem was probably at least in the top 3 of things I ate during the trip. You know, the Missus wasn't even done yet....

jeff c

awesome, Kirk. Is that the Naem. Is it just fried rice with sausage?


Hi Jeffrey - In essense yes...sticky rice fries until the point where some of it becomes crust, sausage. pork skin, chilies, with fish sauce and coconut milk...all wrapped in cabbage with some herbs. Getting everything cooked to the exact right texture is one of the keys...


OK, your description of the naem is just KILLING ME here!


Hi Su-Lin - It's killing me too!!!

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