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Wednesday, 22 October 2008



I officially HATE you ed (from Yuma)! My goodness, I'm on the verge of heading there from San Diego for lunch today. My wife would kill me. These look and sound SO good.


Wow, man, now those are real tacos... Hilo really needs someplace like this!


great pictures...have been making a mental list of places to try in yuma. i remmeber that vampiros post you did...still haven't seen or tried one yet

ed (from yuma)

Yeh, this is a very nice taco stand. Don't know if you remember the taco recon post, but this is the place with the leather chairs and fancy tables in a ramada.

The volcanes (vampiros) here are as good as across the border at El Chipilon. I just wish the place was open for lunch as well.

It's kindof funny how the seafood coceteles places like Juanita's and Tio Juan start closing in the early evening as the other taco places start opening.


I really need to make a taco run. Baja Fish tacos ain't cutting it I need some MEAT!


Yes, based upon this post I did Taqueria San Pedro this evening, and the tacos were indeed excellent. I might drag some of my coworkers back with me later in the week.


Those tacos look great. I am going to have to go there the next time I visit my parents in Yuma. I can't seem to find good Al Pastor in East County San Diego.



If I remember correctly there is a taco shop in Santee. It is by the hometown buffet. Just across from the Home Depot. Tacos Mi Puebla? They had pretty good Al Pastor when I lived there.

I live in Atlanta now and have a hard time finding ANY good mexican food.

By the way, does anyone know what cut of meat San Diego style carne asada is made from?

Everyone tells me flank or skirt steak, but it isn't. You wouldn't be able to buy a burrito for 4 dollars if it was made from those cuts.


Andrew and Jimmy- Tacos Mi Pueblo in Santee (fill in "Site Search" top left column here).
Carne asada *is* made with very thinly sliced skirt or flank steak. You get maybe 6 ounces of the marinaded meat in a burrito, usually less, so the $4 definitely is a profit. -C


I know where that place is, I will give them a try. Andrew, if you want some of the best carne asada give Ramey's Meats a call in Brawley, CA.(760) 344-4420 They will ship anywhere in the United States. They have the best carne asada, pollo asada and tritip I have ever had. My in-law moved to TN and have meat shipped to them all the time.

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