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Monday, 01 September 2008



Both looks delicious! Can't wait to read about the third dish.


We ate at the restaurant over the weekend and it was delicious!


Hey Kirk!

First off... THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for sharing such a wonderful restaurant with us! I took my mom(who's Cambodian/Chinese) out for dinner Sunday night and we LOVED it. We ended up getting the Nahm Tok - Beef, Pahd See Ewe - chicken, and the Pa-Nang curry to finish things with both the jasmine and sticky rice. Everything was delicious but the Nahm Tok in particular was mouth water good especially with some sticky rice. (btw I saw a couple eating the #90 Duck Noodles which I asked about and hear it's a winner)

The owner (Kobi) was a delight to chat with and when he asked how I had found the place I mentioned you and he smiled immediately and mentioned that you had been there a few hours earlier.

I plan to go tomorrow for some Koi Soi and some of that good looking Northeastern Sausage. Will let you know how it is and THANK YOU again.



both sound good, I think I've had both versions and didn't realize they are different dishes too. You guys always find the good stuff!


Hi Carol - Just a've already read about that third dish....

Hi Ken - I'm glad you enjoyed the food. Thanks for letting me know.

Hi Derek - Awwww...I was saving the "Boat Noodles" for later! ;o) I'm glad you enjoyed the food...and feel even better that your Mom loved the food. Comments like yours keep me going. Thanks so much!

Hi FH - In many places, both dishes are interchangeable....I enjoyed that they have both versions here so the differences are easier to pin down.


Hey Kirk, is the third dish the Koi Soi?


Hi Carol - yes it is.....


Hey all, let's keep supporting P-Kobi. Sometimes they have Pak-boong fi daeng (water spinach with chili and garlic, off menu you have to ask) I would also suggest Kao Mo Daeng, Kao Kao Mo, rice with salty fish and Som-Tom but Essan style) I also had grilled pork tongue, very good. My wife is Thai Esan so she does all the ordering! Yenta Fo is also good (seafood noodle soup). Wife also says there is also good northern style curry, Gang Ba I think, really spicy stuff, has lots of bamboo & chilis, etc, no coconut milk. Hard to find on the local menus

Enjoy all!

And yes, Kirk, Oishi Thai Japanese was the place, I'll find more off menus stuffs for people to try and ask for at both places.


Hi PedMa - The salted fish rice is one of the Missus's favorites. Kobi told me he's got a bunch or return customers now.....a really great sign, since he's only been open a few days past a month.


Hi Kirk!
Just got back from dinner a little while ago--my friend and I were so excited!

Everything we had was delicious--spicy mint noodles, sausage fried rice, and the catfish larb.
The larb especially was amazing--we both said we had never had anything that tasted like that before. (I've had larb before but this had something special--maybe it was the rice powder, I don't know.)

The man who took our orders was just so nice. He was very sweet and asked how we heard about the place--I said "there's a guy with a website about San Diego food..."

Thanks again for the rec--we'll be back!


Hi Jenne - I thought you'd enjoy the food there, and am glad you had a great time. Thanks for letting me know how your meal turned out. And don't be a stranger, ok?

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