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Sunday, 14 September 2008



Boy you sure are thorough with eating your way through San Diego Kirk. ;)
The comment of the redundancy in the name totally made me laugh..


They could have really saved on the signage re-do by calling themselves "Extreme Teriyaki"


"Chipotle Teriyaki" since chipotle is a hot advertising word. More people know about chipotle than Sarah Palin


Hi Dennis - I'm trying my best.

Hi DW - LOL! But than people would be wondering what's so extreme about the place!


Looks like another ho-hum plate lunch place. Ah, Yummy's Korean BBQ...I love that place, especially the one in Ala Moana and the Navy Exchange at Pearl. Sigh...


Hi Carol - Perfect description...ho-hum, bubblegum! Man, do I miss Gina's, I lived right up the street....


hmmm, why is it that so many mac salads just rate not bad most of the time.. and teriyaki sauce is almost always bad? They should include some kimchee and pickles to offset the sweetness!


Hi FH - I think it's because they don't use enough, or decent quality ingredients. The scourge of Teriyaki sauce is Corn Syrup.....

local eater

I still think they're better than the Teri Cafe. At least they don't deep fry the gyoza.

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