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Sunday, 24 August 2008



Sounds like a great, if a bit scary, excursion - that's usually the best kind!

Wandering Chopsticks

My mom makes be thui. I like it with more herbs and spread on top of toasted rice paper. Drizzle the sauce all over and toss and it's so good.


I think if you didn't tell me what it was, I would probably try it!


Hi Mike - It was fun and fascinating....

Hi WC - I'm sure I'll see a recipe one of these days!

Hi Kat - Think of it as "veal tataki"...sort of....


Wow. Again, you and Beach (and your commentor) has shown me something new. Who needs Zimmern or Bourdain, when you have Kirk and Beach!

BTW..."You haven't lived until you've seen an anxious group of women with tongs (not thongs)"...hilarious!


I've had this dish before at family gatherings, but had forgotten the name of it. I liked the texture but I don't remember the taste of the dipping sauce.

The version that I had may have been homemade. I'll have to ask around to see if this is available in San Diego.


Hi Elmo - I just kinda stand to the side and let Beach do all the work! So which would you rather have? Anxious women with tongs ot thongs? Wait, the answer is obvious of course........

Hi Sandy - Let me know if you find some, I kinda enjoyed it.....and I'm sure people would love to know!


I figured you had this dish before since you're pretty adventurous. My Dad when he has time make it fresh. FYI the skin of the bo gets charred from the flame thrower. ;-)
It is true that the ginger sauce is the star of dish.


Hi Billy - I hadn't even heard of it! Got any other dishes I need to check out? Don't know about the flame thrower thing...though I've seen people using them on pig.....


Bo Tai Chanh -,bo_tai_chanh___rare_beef_marinated_in_lime_sauce.phtml

The sauce for this dish is mam nem the only sauce meant for the dish.


Wow, that dish and the market sounds way adventurous Kirk!


Hi Billy - Cool, another dish for my "list"...thanks!

Hi FH - It was a bunch of fun.

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