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Sunday, 27 July 2008


Steamy Kitchen

WOW! That's the coolest kitchen gadget! I want one to make these noodles!!


Nice spaetzle press. You don't see too many of those in So Cal.


That's one rich dish I would definitely enjoy and beside who doesn't like Gruyere.


That meal looks delicious! Nothing better than freshly made noodles (of all sorts!).

cheese cheese

I was so happy when I saw your post. I went to Switzerland beginning this year to the Graubunden canton. This was one of the local specialties and your dish was almost the exact one we had. I'm a big noodle freak and this is ranked top 5 on my noodle list. This is called Pizokel or Bizochel in romanche.


That's frickin' cool! Never knew that spaetzel was a noodle and that it was made like that!

Loi Dene Berkey

And, we've been fortunate enough to taste this wonderful dish when Ed and Tina made it for is absolutely divine!! We hope they come over again and make it, but I loved the post and may try it myself...NOT!

ed (from Yuma)

Steamy and Chris, Tina's had her press for 20 years.
Most other presses make round noodles.

It really does taste good, nhbilly, and is very rich - nothing like cheese, egg noodles, and bacon fat!

Carol, eating spaetzle as a kid has led me to love most homemade noodles. My two favs in SD used to be the hand cut noodles at the Chinese Islamic place and a lunch special with handcut chicken noodle soup at Seoul BBQ - neither available any more.

Very interesting, cheese cheese, because I first ate something like this dish at a Swiss restaurant near Monterey called Lugano - which is a city in the Italian speaking part of Switzerland very close to Graubunden. I would have given them credit, but their version wasn't all that good - and I developed this recipe myself.

elmo - love your blog - unfortunately, most restaurant spaetzle (SW German spelling - spaetzel in Bavaria, I believe) in the US sucks pretty bad.

Welcome to the blogosphere Loidene. Now you know the secrets of the dish.


I can't remember how many times I made spaetzle in my 50+ years of married life, and how often friends asked for the recipe. But I am not one of those cooks that measures all the ingredients, so now I can just print your directions and hand them out!
By the way, it's nice to know that Tina did learn something in the kitchen while growing up, haha!


hello, i love your posts on pupuseria cabana....makes me want to try it sometime if i'm ever in the area...the soups, the agua frescas , they all look so good, i'm getting thirsty just thinking about it.

this looks to be a very rich and interesting recipe that i'd like to try out sometime. i've never made my own noodles before. the salad sounds like it would have went well with the pasta too. yum yum


What a team!!!


wow, that looks fantastic! I've never had it but that's gotta change - I love swiss chard and have never had it in pasta, that looks like a delicious combination of stuff.

ed (from Yuma)

Sorry everyone - that link I provided keeps changing. This is the proper link to the right press (or something like it):

Oh, and thanks Kirk, sawyer, and fh for the nice comments.

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