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Thursday, 17 July 2008



Wow, those are some great photos and wonderful write-up. Sure makes me a bit more humble. Thanks, Kirk.


That is touching, despite the odds it is good in its own ways. Make me think of the little things we take for granted. Thanks for reminding me :-D


what a great post, it almost made me cry!

ed (from Yuma)

Great story. Thanks for sharing your vacation. Great writing as usual. Sometimes I wish I could melt my snarky sarcastic bones.


Hey Carol - It was one of the most memorable experiences of our vacation.

Hi Billy - Things really ain't so bad where we live....

Hi Kat - It was a humbling experience.

Hi Ed - I'm glad you enjoyed the post. I'm trying to be happy-happy least for short periods of time! ;o)

Wandering Chopsticks

Hey Kirk,
It's been interesting comparing our experiences - how similar and different our impressions and photos are from each other. My cousin also went to Tonle Sap but a much less touristy floating village where she was able to interact with the people. Even though that village didn't see much tourist, I think it felt less intrusive b/c she wasn't one of many tourists that infringed on their space, if that makes sense. I had a hard time describing how ramshackled those huts along the road looked, but your pictures showed that very clearly.


Hey Kirk, I'm sure you know it by now but I really love reading your blog. You should compile all your travel stories and annecdotes one day into a book! Anyway, just having travelled myself, like you I feel like tourism can be much a double edged sword. It was nice of you to capture how the people of tonle sap live, including the nice little touches that can make your regular generic floating house a home.
I hope Akin will somehow get to know how much her phrase meant to you.


Hi WC - Yes, we felt a bit like we were intruding upon their neighborhood. It was a great experience for us though.

Hi Rachel - Thanks, that's very sweet. It's really interesting to look at our photos from various trips....they seem to be taken in a rather haphazard manner...but many times there's an underlying story that almost writes itself.

jeff c

Kirk, Wow, great commentary and I ditto what everybody else said about this post. I think people should "get out of their comfort zone" when they travel because it really makes you appreciate and empathize with the rest of the human beings on this planet.


Hi Jeff - Yes, you do need to "stretch" yourself a bit....

J.S. @ Sun Diego Eats

When we went to Tonle Sap our guide knew one of the families that lived in one of the floating village houses and inside it was so homey. It was really clean and each person had their own sleeping mat. There was a single TV (they charge up a generator so they can watch TV for an hour a day) and a curtained off room for the just married couple. They had herbs and plants on their balcony and pigs and chicken in suspended cages. The lady of the house then made us these amazing banana pancakes and insisted we had dinner with their family. It was an incredible experience and I think even without obvious material wealth that house was comfortably inhabited by a happy family :)


Hi JS - In the end, it's always about the people and experiences isn't it?

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