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Thursday, 10 July 2008





Interesting you should post on Angkor Wat. There is an article in today's SD UT (p. E-8) about how microbes are blackening the stones of Angkor War (since lichens were cleaned off 20 years ago) and how the temple is crumbling.

liked the details of the bas-reliefs.


yummy and beautiful!


No wonder this place is one of the 7 wonders of the world it's so magnificent. And the food too ;-)


Hi Judy - Thanks! It is something to behold.

Hi CC - I think I mentioned it in a previous post; I felt a bit of guilt when walking among the's almost if I'm party to destruction in some ways.

Hi Kat - Beautiful.....

Hi Billy - Angkor is pretty amazing.


I felt that way to Yoso I want to visit at the same time feel bad that I would be contributing to the destruction....

ed (from yuma)

This way, I get much of the pleasure of visiting, but you Kirk get the karma of the destruction. thanks for helping us readers out that way!



These pictures are gorgeous! It's always so pleasant seeing the places you've traveled from the comfort of my couch.


Hi Kirk, it's me again. i was just looking at another blog that i like. she also posted about Angkor Wat (as well as Hanoi):


Hi Billy - It is quite a sight to behold, though...

Hi Ed - I hope I don't get sent to the hell of Jerry Springer reruns for my sins! ;o)

Hi Howie - Nothing beats being there, though!

Hi CC - Very nice....


Ahhh, great descriptions and history - thanks again for letting us get our vicarious thrills... do you have those 3500+ pics posted up anywhere?


Hi FH - Not yet, but I'll do an of these days...of course that's what I keep saying about Peru...but I will get it done!

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