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Saturday, 26 July 2008



Aww that video really brought a tear to the eye. Thanks for sharing that Kirk! Thank God for animals!

That taco truck story also brought a tear to the eye. Event hough I have never eaten from one, after reading your posts, I have been determined to try them the next time I am in the US. Hopefully they will still be around! I feel sad when bits of culture like that are destroyed by greedy larger companies and establishments.


what a great video, and I hope you will be abe to keep the taco trucks around!!


It would really suck - taco truck is the staple of LA night light!

ed (from Yuma)

Too bad about the taco trucks.

Great Lion video though.


Hi Rachel - Taco trucks do provide a good alternative...and mant times the product they produce is better than what we get at those restaurants.

Hi Kat - Wonderful video...we really loved it.

Hi Billy - I hope taco trucks will be able to keep feeding us.

Hi Ed - Yes, we love that video....


Hi Kirk,

I fondly recall my Air Force days in Sacramento, not least because weekend evenings were often spent carousing downtown, and included late-night stops at a taco truck that always parked in the same lot near 4th and T Streets (an area then known as "Hooker Hollow").

The fellow only made carne asada tacos - chopping the meat with a huge cleaver and warming the tortilla on a sort of hot plate. If you wanted beer, he would send his 14-year-old-ish son into the bar next door for cans of icy cold Tecate. Taco and a beer, $1 each.

Imagine how exotic all this seemed to an 18-year-old-ish farm boy from Virginia. I learned to: love Mexican people, drink beer wrapped in a paper bag, banter with hookers, appreciate a bargain and crave tacos that didn't come in crunchy, unnaturally yellow taco shells.

I don't suppose my recollection would help yumtacos make their case to the City Council. But if even one boy can learn the lessons I did by visiting the trucks, then I think the City is making a mistake in curtailing the resource.

Fight the Man.



Looked like a great Christening party! And Da Boyz scored too!

Don't get me started on the taco trucks. Poo. And I loved the video.


I'm sure it was just an oversight in the photos and the text ... but where are the chicken wings? It's just not a Filipino party without the wings :-)

The wings are making appearances at Chinese parties, too. The most recent party I attended had wings from Royal Mandarin. Yum!


Hi Omar - So I take it that you signed the petition, right?

Hi Carol - Yes, nothing like a Filipino party!

Hi Sandy - I was being discreet, and made like I was taking photos of the people, so I only took a few photos of food. And yes, there were Chicken Wings!



Nah, California politics being what they are, I strongly encouraged OTHER people to take action.

But now that you've called me out publically, sure...I'll do it.


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