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Wednesday, 09 July 2008



Better service than Goldilocks? ;)


Haven't really had Filipino food before but I sure do love roasted pork.


A good Beef Kaldereta is probably my favorite, next to a good pancit. There's a new turo turo place in Poway called Amerasian Cuisine that has decent beef "caldereta", although not at Fredcel prices (2 items for $6.99). Supposedly their Kare-Kare is very good, although I haven't seen it the 2 times I've been there. If you're in the vicinities and craving Filipino food...well, that is your only choice unless you drive into Mira Mesa, hehe.


Thanks for the review, Kirk! Nothing against Yelpers (I'm a Yelper myself), but I prefer getting my reviews from you. Can't wait to get me some of that sisig!

Captain Jack

Rice + 1 entry for $3.99. Seems cheap, but what (or whom) do you get to enter? You should send that photo into Maxim magazine.


not too familiar with filipino food, but the lumpia sounded delicious! don't know about the sweet sour sauce though...


Mang Fred use to cater out of their basement apt in Nat'l City. I think he still does but only on weekends as my friend ordered 200 lumpias and pancit from him this past Saturday. I've not gone to FredCel (Cely is his wife) yet but the office has ordered from FredCel - lumpias and pancit for one of our office gatherings. Not bad and his prices aren't bad, either.


Hi Jan - Light years better.....

Hi Billy - One bite of good lechon kawale, and you'll be a goner.

Hi Carol - I've gotten another recommendation for that place, so I'll have to stop by.

Hi Dee - you know, I really don't do reviews per se....I just like to eat. The Sisig was pretty good, not as balanced as Conchings, but if you enjoy a good amount of vinegar, you may enjoy it. Thanks again for the recommendation!

Hi CJ - You gotta love the signs......

Hi Kat - It was almost like jello, and looked so day glo red, it was kinda scary.

Hi Shirley - I kinda liked the lumpia.....the prices can't be beat.


Yum! We love lumpias. We actually tried making them at home but it they turned out bad. We used wonton wrappers before we realized there are special lumpia wrappers available. We really like your site!


Hi TMAH - Yes, you'd need lumpia wrappers....if you have more problems you can "double wrap" them. I've been enjoying your blog as well.


Hi Kirk,

I'd had enough: after reading your descriptions of all these great pork dishes, I took the opportunity offered by a day of work in National City to stop into a place called "Goldilocks", and seeing sisig on the menu, ordered it up.

I don't think what I got was a good representation of the dish. It was scorched on the bottom but not hot enough on top to cook the raw egg they opened over the pile of pork. But... I could see what they were going for, and I'm intrigued. Being from the Southeastern U.S., I like my pork fat, especially if there's vinegar and spice on it.

So, where would you recommend I go for "ultimate" sisig, lechon kawale, and other pork dishes?


PS Goldilocks is also a bakery that offers all sorts of custom cakes, as well as a personal favorite: baked custard, referred to there as "egg pie". It was great.


Hi Omar - You are kidding, right? I thought you kept up with our posts? I'm so hurt! ;o)

We've been to various locations of Goldilocks many's probably one of the biggest chains, outside of Jollibee, in the Phillipines.
I enjoy the Sisig from Conching the best. Though if you really want to take a road trip:

They probably have the traditional Pig Head Sisig at those places.

As for Lechon Kawale...many times it can be a matter of timing. Getting the lechon kawale when it is fresh and just cut is best. At some places you can see people appear out of nowhere when they hear the chopping of the lechon. I thought Point-Point and Pinoy Fiesta were both good when the lechon was fresh.


Hi Kirk,

Sorry to hurt your feelings. I get busy with work, the Padres, and socializing, and forget to read. I'll search before commenting in future.

As for Goldilocks, I had the same sort of wait til I got tired of it. I eventually presented my substantial bulk to the menu lady and asked her to walk with me to the empty table I wanted to use. She was surprised but helpful, and insisted that the waiter come to me right away. I actually had to shoo him away so I could eat in peace. Can't be too nice when there's pork on the line...

Finally, re: sisig, is that egg supposed to stay raw? The waiter told me to stir it into my pork to "cook" it. I love food that comes with instructions!


jeff c

Kirk, looking at this post, I can see how filipino food influenced th cuisine of Hawaii. Reading your blog is like a cultural taxonomy of Hawaiian cuisine.


Hi Jeffrey - You're right...lots of rice, lots of salt(in a good way), and lots of protein.....

Porta Rickin Rick

So, I was having lunch down at Tita's today, and for some unknown reason, on my way out, I saw a Fredcel van (with decals on the sides) leaving from Tita's. Is it possible that they purchase their Lechon here (there were several pigs laying around inside)? I have not made it over to Fredcel yet, but would definitely stop there more often if it can be construed as a closer version of Tita's!


Hey PRR - It could be, but more likely is that Fredcel had a very large, or several catering gigs, and couldn't handle the amount. Or it could be that Fredcel will do Lechon Kawale, but not whole pigs...I didn't see a price for whole pig on their catering menu. Many places help each other out...when Da Kine's has too much catering work, they've used Mo's to help them out. The portion sizes are smaller at Fredcel, but Fredcel is cheaper. The Kaldereta and Menudo at tita's is better, but Fredcel is not as oily(not necessarily a good thing). Still, if you live in the area you should check them out, I thought the Sisig was pretty good, and the lumpia is as well.


Just a comment on the Fredcel at Tita's thing ... umm .. THERE IS A FILIPINO GROCERY STORE CALLED 'FAMILY LOOMPYA' RIGHT ACROSS FROM TITA'S. And thats kind of an insult to the family, knowing them personally. They don't order from anywhere else.. Don't assume, please. THANKS. (:



Hi Jenn - Welcome and thanks for the comment. I need to ask...who did I insult? I don't recall anything insulting written in the comments section. I just said that FredCel's does not have whole pig on their menu, so maybe they are getting some help from Tita's. What does that have to do with Family Loopmya? Tita's is usally who I recommend when folks ask for whole pig, so what's the problem. BTW, I shop at Family Loompya all the time. I guess this thing about assumptions cuts both ways.


Kirk, have you ever thought of a Sisig pizza? It's been done: I recently made one using the Sisig from Tita's Kitchenette, and let me tell you it is heavenly.

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