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Thursday, 01 May 2008



I am enjoying your adventures, thank you for sharing!


I look forward everyday to this blog it's like food for thoughts. Keep it up guys!


Hi Kat - I'm glad you're enjoying the posts.

Hi Billy - Thanks!


I watched Anthony Bourdain's trip to Vietnam last night and although I enjoyed the show, I have to say that I like reading about your trip mo' betta.

ed (from Yuma)

Keep 'em coming Kirk. Great stuff. Showed a couple more of your posts to one of my Viet students, and he said, "I've been there (Sapa). Very pretty. Very cold."


Hi Carol - LOL! I don't think I'm even close....

Hi Ed - You gotta realize that for Hanoians, anything under 70 degrees is cold.


is it only me, but doesn't that steam lifting off the boiling water give a sense a magical land.


Hi RONW - Good point, it does kinda have that mysterious look....


Interesting that the hmong people still choose to wear their traditional clothing as their normal clothing. It is almost like a uniform for identification.
I admire you for being brave enough to eat at most of these food court type places! I think I have too delicate a stomach to do so :) Even then, I got a bad tummy bug in Shanghai eating at proper restaurants.


Hi Rachel - We some set rules for street food, and are pretty cautious. I believe that most of the problems with hot street food, is that our "flora" are just not used to the food.


wow, wow wow! I love the photos of the alps, so beautiful! And how fun to get a cooking lesson and cook your own meal to boot!


Hi FH - The couple who ran this food stall were very, very nice. You can't beat the views in Sapa.


Thanks for sharing your SAPA trip experience. I like the beautiful view in SAPA.


Hi TimV - No, thank you for taking the time out to read our posts, and commenting!

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