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Friday, 30 May 2008



65K BTU of pure BIG KAHUNA bliss! Did you heat the wok until smoking, or glowing orange?


Looks great. I think I need a bowl of rice with this.


I'm trying to remember if they deseed for tempura, I don't think they do. This looks really good!


Ha, I was just looking at the exact brand at 99 Ranch this morning. I was debating whether to try it in the zongzi but opted not to. I still got the pork belly, tho!

The dish looks really good, BTW. :-)


Hi Liver - Only to smoking. The only thing I've been able to make with a red-hot wok is charcoal. ;o)

Hi Eileen - It was pretty good.

Hi Kat - No I don't remove the seeds when I make tempura. But I use younger and more tender shishito.

Hi Carol - I can't wait to see your Zongzi.


A while back we got a free surprise in a bag of cafe sua instant coffee--a metal spoon (best described as a cocaine/tea spoon). Anyhow, I've found it perfect for scraping out the insides of chilis that have been cut open as you showed here.


Hey Jan - Perfect, a multi-tasker! There's actually a tool that looks like an offset screwdriver that is used for the purpose of deseeding chilies.


Hi Kirk. I tried this recipe out as well. I am so glad I happened to purchase the same brand you have pictured!I love the story behind the Hunan Pork. Please keep all these great recipes with stories behind them coming. I had to use long beans- no shishito peppers but it was delicious!


Hi Chris - That looks good! Need to do some Sichuan green beans one of these days...

John Thompson

Great recipe .... I was interested to see the Hunan Ham. I cannot find it near me.


Hi John - Thanks for visiting and taking the time comment. We actually now have a bunch of decent Hunan restaurants in the LA area and one of them does wonderful La Rou which we buy and bring home to make this. I should probably do an update of this!

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