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Monday, 10 March 2008



Great post!
I totally understand wanting to photograph a food as much as tasting it!


Hi Ed - At last! I've been waiting for this post. So they call it Vampiras because of the appearance of the tortilla after it has been cooked on the comal? They sure do pile on the meat.

ed (from Yuma)

Yeh, Ray, it kindof becomes an obsession. Going to eat somewhere? Be sure to bring the camera.

Kirk, I must admit that my reasoning for the name vampira is pure speculation, but I think it's a good guess. The meat is not excessive because the taco is never folded.


"I feel like somebody living in Mira Mesa who just remembered the existence of El Cajon Blvd and University Ave. Yum."

Ha!! ;)

Thanks for this post! I wonder if you can get these anywhere outside of San Luis...say...El Cajon Blvd? (one could only wish)


Yay! Tacos! Loved your post Ed which give me a window into Sonoran cuisine! I was intrigued by 'caramelo' tacos so I searched for it and came up with this:
It must be a Sonoran thing because I never came across this word before. Have you tried them?

Wandering Chopsticks

Darn. I was all excited thinking they were gonna be bat tacos. :P

My friend ate bat when she was in Indonesia so it wasn't entirely out of the realm of possibility. She said the wings tasted leathery.

I guess this explanation works too but wasn't nearly as exotic. ;)

ed (from Yuma)

Thanks jan. Great link Alex. I hope to post about the other things at El Chipilon in the future, including the El Chipilon taco which is a caramelo with a whole roasted green chili.

WP - I had no idea at first what a vampira was. Kindof glad it wasn't batmeat, though




I make those all the time! I had no idea they had a name! :-P



I was just doing some Google StreetView sight-seeing, and came across the "Takeria Cielito Lindo" in Cabo, which offers Vampiro tacos according to the sign. Having never heard of vampiro tacos before, I googled it and ended up here on your blog :) Here's the Streetview link:,-109.710224&sspn=0.005607,0.010654&split=1&rq=1&ev=zo&radius=0.41&hq=melia+cabo+real&hnear=&ll=23.071727,-109.712273&spn=0.005607,0.014741&z=17&layer=c&cbll=23.071802,-109.713444&panoid=IvKl1Rg3TNy7t5nvMCb-5w&cbp=12,1.17,,1,5.18

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