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Saturday, 02 February 2008



looks good and simple too :)

angel van

The teriyaki sauce that our restaurant makes definitely has more then 4 ingredients. It also takes much longer then 20 minutes. It actually takes a couple hours on the stove and has to be left together overnight before we can strain the things out of it.


Hi Kat - It is quite simple, and does well in a crunch.

Hi Angel Van - Like I wrote, "There's much more to it than the basic 4 ingredient recipe". But hey, when it's 6 in the evening, you just got home from work, and you need something fast..... BTW, if I'm grilling or making a tare for yakitori, I'll reduce the sauce slowly to give more of a condensed flavor. Then again....have you seen how many ingredients are in a bottle of Kikkoman? ;o)



I normally have some of this stuff in the refrigerator as well and I will normally add just a bit of crushed ginger and a little garlic powder to the mixture.


Hi Reid - It does come in handy....I don't recall you ever posting your recipe.....I'd be interested.


I grew up with the same sauce sans Mirin and Sake. Probably why I still make my basic teri sauce the same way, although I don't make teriyaki chicken much anymore.


Kirk, thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been casting about for a teriyaki recipe and I have not liked any. This is going to be the "one". I can just tell by your ingredients list. the ones I have found are the "sweeter" type and not my cup of tea. P.S. I am addicted to your blog {wink}! Keep up the good work/posting.


Hi Carol - Yes, mirin and sake were much too expensive when I was growing up, so it was usually just soy sauce and sugar.

Hi Barbara - Thanks so much for the kind words...I hope the recipe works out for you, and please let me know how it turns out.


I made this last week and it came out quite well. I added a little ginger and a clove of garlic. If I had known it was this easy, I would have made teriyaki years ago. Thanks for the recipe!


Hi Fred - I'm glad it turned out well. In spite of what people might say(as in the comments), the basic recipe is very, very easy.


yum. Thanks for the recipe. We made it a couple of weeks ago and it was a hit. Just came back today to look up the recipe again for tonight's dinner. I had no idea that teriyaki sauce could be so simple to make. I used to buy it in a jar from the store (with tons of additives in it). Or else I go out and spend $10 on chicken teriyaki at a resturant. This is wonderful! Thank you! Definitely keep posting what you make at home! :)


Hi Caroline - I'm glad it worked out well for is fast and easy. Thanks for taking the time to let me know how it turned out.

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