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Monday, 31 December 2007



Hey you were in my neck of the woods. I need to try that place, looks like great food, not to mention great portion with a small price tag. :)


Hi, Liz! Very cool. We just took a random exit and found this place. All the plates we saw were huge and everything was really, really good. It is always an adventure dring up that way. Glad to give you a (tasty)suggestion. Happy New Year!


Happy New Year!
Thank you for a delicious 2007!


Thanks so much, Eileen. I like looking at the photos on your blog...Have a good year.

the charsiubao

Happy new year everyone! wow, i've never heard of that VIP tour before, it sounds really neat.

btw, that's a very cute rat.. and isn't that tall dark and handsome fellow called "native american" nowadays? ;P


Happy New Year to you too, charsiubao. There are some other groups that offer those VIP tours, but usually the weeks before the 1st of the year., nobody there was politically correct; everyone working on it as well as working in the barn was calling him "the indian". Never meant offense, just reporting what I saw and heard...

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