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« Road Trip-Day One: San Diego, CA- Albuquerque, NM | Main | Road Trip-Day Three: Joplin, MO-Detroit, MI »

Tuesday, 20 November 2007



Yippeee - We're famous! he-he-he.... I really don't know how we can top the Cadillac Ranch!


hadn't heard someone mentioning "raisin bread" in eons.




Oh yeah, Kirk...You know I had to... :D

Oh, the raisin bread toast is so perfect, Ron...sometimes I treat myself to some at home.

Thanks, Bill More soon...


>> Especially the Southeast. Many original Waffle Houses are being replaced with newer, slightly larger buildings. Especially down South. The new, northernmost locations in Toledo & Bowling Green Ohio are the slightly larger size. There are two locations at a large intersection in Birmingham, Alabama (diagonally opposite from each other). One is huge, totally unique layout. I've been to another odd one in Jeffersonville, Indiana (just North of Louisville). However, in Indiana, they are called "Waffle & Steak" for business license purposes. Same logo, same menu, same prices.


Whoa Nellie! You are way more expert at Waffle Houses than I ever knew, Mr. B. Very cool. I need to travel more out of my safe area of Route 66.


Your Route 66 comment has made the Nelson Riddle music play constantly in the back of my head. I have visions Martin Milner & George Maharis on the teevee. Milner (Adam 12) was born in Detroit you know.


...and I write the food blog...
you could make it so much more interesting.

Wandering Chopsticks

Hehe. I love it! Are you gonna hit Carhenge in Nebraska on the way back? :P


Thanks, WC. We would have to have hit the "Northern Route" on the way in to Detroit. Weather always seems to change right on Thanksgiving Day (and it did again this year) and we don't want to risk being stuck in snow in the car overnight...or having to drive a detour...But, next year...
Besides, Cadillac Ranch is the only place we can spray paint art, and it still is art when it is done...I *needed* to do this.

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