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Tuesday, 13 November 2007




It looks like you and the missus had a world class experience. I'm sure the food was as good as it looked (probably much better).

Thanks for sharing this. I'm trying to plan a vacation to South American, but it is much too far from here!


hey kirk, if i ever go to south america, i might have to make a stop here. congratulations on your 700th post! at the rate i'm going, i should get to my 700th by 2011 :P


Wow Kirk .. a beautifully narrated post. Gorgeous pictures as well! Thank you for sharing that with us. I wish I could try everything!!! This sounds like a meal you certainly would remember for a long time. A good meal is like a visit to the opera or a musical isn't it? Except your tastesbuds and nose are entertained more so than the ears and eyes :)

ed (from Yuma)

I am continually amazed by the Peru posts. Thanks for sharing this meal with the rest of us.

Great pics too!


Congrates on your 400th post! That is a real challenge to do and the review was awesome; felt a bit suspenseful.


Happy 700th!! And what a wonderful post to commensurate it. The way I see it, this is a food blog. So fine dining or local grinds, it's all good eats! Everything looks delicisous! I'm truly enjoying this series. Thanks again for sharing your travels with us.


Wow, what an incredible meal! I'll be right behind you in line for La Mar if it happens.


Oh crapper I meant 700th. To early in the morning apparently. But my aji de gallina at inka mama was awesome today :-)


Hi Reid - The Missus has told me that my photos won't come close to doing justice to the meal.

Hi Santos - Thanks! This was an excellent and memorable meal.

Hi Rachel - Yes, this a memorable and in it's own way "melodic" meal.

Hi Ed - You'd love this place.....

Hi Billy - I know what you meant. ;o) Thanks!

Hi Carol - This was one for the books.

Hi Howie - Man, I can taste that cebiche lenguado....


Want! Want!

Belated congrats on your 700th post!


Hey CP - This place should be on everyone's list for Lima.


Hey....! Ran across your blog because we are looking to try the Hot Pot place tonight.. and lo and behold, we also just got back from Lima and Astrid y Gaston... by chance did you try the MAP Cafe in Cuzco? I think we enjoyed that even more than Astrid y Gaston, because the ingredients were more indigenous and unique to the Quechua region... =) But Astrid y Gaston is to die for.. the same chef also has a restaurant in Madrid, as well as some other locations in Latin America...

Thxs for the great blog...


Hi Sue - And thanks for taking the time out to comment! We were thinking about MAP....but seemed to have run out of time. It's on our list for the next time. BTW, Gaston Acurio has/is opening La Mar in SF. Thanks again for visiting...and best regards from Chiang Mai!

Comida peruana

Peruvian food is the best, im from peru, thanks for this post :)

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