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Monday, 12 November 2007



Looks interesting and yummy ... sorry for being ignorant but just to clarify .. birrias is kinda like a tender meat stew is that right? and you wrap it in your own tortillas with various spices and condiments?


Damn, it's 8am and I'm hungry for lunch!


Hi Rachel - So sorry, I should've done a better job explaining. It is a meat stew. Here's some clarification:

Hi Denver - Well the place opens at 8am!!!

C. Ruelas

and thanks for the review. I am the owner and operator of birrias and I would like to personally invite you to try more of our food.

Please contact me or access my website and well offer 99cent birria tacos from mon-fri afternoons to readers of your website or any friends you tell about us.

PEOPLE!!! Come try the best mexican food in town... it is not another taco shop.... we only cook fresh, on the spot, and from scratch.

Tito Ruelas


I agree! Birrias is one of the only mexican restaurants I will eat at. You can tell they make everything with lots of love. Their tortas are the best I've ever had. It's nice to go to a taco shop that isn't all dirty and grungy. This place is really nice! The seating and ambiance makes the visit there once a week worth the while. =D

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