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« Peru Day1: El Fayke Piurano - Central Lima | Main | Peru Day 2: Around Cusco, El Truco, and the "Other" Citizens of Cusco »

Monday, 01 October 2007



Geesh I'm a day late was reading day 1 and all of a sudden the site is slow. Go figure day 2 just popped out of no where. I feel like I was on this adventure.

Christine D.

Alpaca, eh? Was that the first time you and the Missus have tried it? Seems like you both didn't hesitate in ordering it, haha.

Looking forward to more of Peru!


hey kirk! welcome back (belated) glad to see you and the missus tried lots of uh...interesting things on your trip. my pastor just back from Peru and she swears that chewing the coco leaf stuff helps you get adjusted to the altitude. I don't know if she just had too much or what, but it's an interesting theory, no?


Hi Billy - You are part of this...adventure.....

Hi Christine - Alpaca tends to be pretty lean. we really didn't hesitate ordering most anything.

Hi Penny - I believe the same thing. Whenever I started getting out of breath, I'd chew on some coca leaves, it works really well.



The sound the rubber band makes after they wind up the propeller.


Hi CP - So long it's not the sound of something bouncing off the ground!


that's great that your server filled you in on some of the better joints in cusco. i guess the good places are always away from the landmarks & off the beaten path!

and that heater is literally "central" heating! LOL!


Hi Pam - So true..... And that is central heating in Cusco!


The chicharon looks yummy!!! Thanks for this useful article it will really help me now that I'm going to cusco for vacations(!

So excited 'bout going!!!

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