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Wednesday, 19 September 2007



Trying to think of some kind of recipe that would use banana twinkies... maybe as a base for an "Elvis" strawberry shortcake?


Awesome thanks for sharing your foodie and life adventures make me reminisce on mine.

ed (from Yuma)

Looks good, Cathy.

By real mayo, do you mean homemade?

I do a variation of the watermelon, making a salad with pickled red onions, mint leaves, lime juice, and feta cheese. Don't remember where I got the recipe, but it's very tasty.


Oh, mindless, no...why mess with the purity of a Twinkie? The artificial banana is enough and seems to take away some of the sweetness...
Hi, Billy-glad to trigger memories for people.
Good Morning, ed! I do make mayo from scratch, but also if I buy, it is whole/real and not "lite" or some variation. Your watermelon salad sounds good...The Mister doesn't like onions, though...but I could try a bit for myself. The limeade concentrate I use makes it all sweet, so the lime juice would lend itself for the more savory salad. I have a bunch of ideas now. Thanks.


Hey Cathy! I like that watermelon limeade salad. I'll have to try that next time for a bbq. Those citrus and tomato mounds look great! Nothing better than homegrown. Thanks for sharing!


Hi Cathy - Going to Costco just for the food. Oh NO!!!! Please, not again, ever. Pretty please?


Hi Carol! It is so simple to make the watermelon limeade mint stuff, and nobody quite knows all the flavors. I love being mysterious. I kind of liked the photos of the Vitamin D and Lycopene sources.
Hey, Dan...sorry to disillusion you. Usually it is only for a summertime meal when it is so hot out that even cooking at the BBQ is too much. I saw one person at a Costco at lunch with a slice of cheese pizza and he put relish and onions on it. I am not *that* bad.


Great on the watermelon Cath!

For years I've eaten watermelon with tiny sprinkle of sea salt on it and some fresh squeezed lime too. No mint, that's a good one

Even better dissolve as much sea salt as you can in water then pour it off into an old Tabasco or Red Hot bottle. A few shakes of that on the watermelon. Plus good for seasoning lots of food. This has roughly twice as much sodium as typical good quality soy sauce such as Kikkoman. Chinese soy sauce is always fake. Get Kikkoman


Hey other Dan! Salt on watermelon...oh I am in love. You know I don't crave sweets and I do crave salty and yet I never thought of this one. Now, as for soy...the aisle at 99Ranch has a choice of probably 600 types of soy sauce. I do buy different ones (once I got a mushroom soy and liked it a lot; never saw it again)but I will look at labels from now on. I just saw Kikkoman Ponzu for the first time last week. Thanks for your 'recipe'.


Yeah Cathy this was/is East Coast Dan. Kikkoman is brewed in Wisconsin right in soybean country. Brewed in Japan too. Read the labels on the Chinese soy sauces. Usually carmel and coloring and stuff. Brewed with shortcuts. Kikkoman makes different varieties..... all solid

You can always bring out the sweet on fresh fruit with a tiny bit of salt


Hi ECD. I knew you were the Point Loma commenter guy, because I have all kinds of magical things I can do behind the guise of Typepad... I just looked at two of the soy sauces in the house and see the HFCS in one and sugar in the other as well as the coloring. Honestly, I have read ingredient labels since the law required them to list ingresdients in order, always fascinated by what was in stuff...Really, that was part of my "dates" with The Mister. I really haven't paid attention to soy sauce before this. I am so embarassed. But, this was my new thing I learned for today, so that is over with :)
Ah, now salt on grapefruit I have always done. My mom always had it that way and it is correct or flavor.

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