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Tuesday, 25 September 2007


Jeff C

Cathy, Doing a great job and love the commentary as well as the varied places you go to.


What an excellent idea now I just got to convince my wife to take me out for seven days straight and she flip the bills ;-). I feel like Japanese food this week now...


Thanks JeffC- I am glad to help Kirk out. Being the White Girl from East County helps the blog stay varied. It seems almost everyone who reads the blog learns or recalls something about food, so it works. Yes, sometimes I ramble...and I do sound like thisin real life.
Hey, helps that our birthdays are just 7 days apart. Well, it's a reason anyhow. With a reason, I can justify anything. :)

ed (from Yuma)

Yeh, I love Sakura too. Most of the time, I just put myself in Kazu's hands. I remember one of my first visits there, he started serving me cooked dishes interspersed with the sushi, and I was blown away at their quality.

I am also amazed by the range of the dishes. It seems like he can serve me something I've never had before every time I visit.


It was so good, again, ed. We were the only people in there at about 6 p.m. and just wanted to eat, but also be special, so tried a few 'new' things, after reading the menu for about 15 minutes, as if we had never seen it before...


Squid is a must have for me when at a Japanese restaurant. They're just so yummy.


I pretty much have to eat something fried and crunchy when I get Japanese food, YY. Always. I have read more than once that calamari is a good 'first date' food item, and it seems to be an appetizer item everywhere, but good squid with a light tempura is way better than some of the fried items served with marinara. Sometimes if I don't want squid, I get a side of tempura...just as long as I have a crunchy item...

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