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Tuesday, 31 July 2007



Lamb or Goat? Traditionally Birria de Chivo is made with goat. Anyways this looks fantastic. Putting it on the "list".



Seeing as I am a huge fan of El Borrego, this place gets a high-priority spot on the "To Eat" list. Thanks!

ed (from yuma)

Wow! that's good looking stuff. What a find. Nothing like this in Yuma. The tortillas are corn? That's what I assume, but it looks like white corn. Great find.

The Office Goat

That looks fantastic! If there was a place like that within a mile or two from my house or workplace, I'd probably never go anywhere else for weeks.


Hi Steve - I'm pretty sure that this time it was lamb I got a positive on cordero - both the Barbacoa and Birria meat was the same. The flavor was also much milder than the birria de chivo I had before, but in a good way. But maybe your spanish is better than mine and you can find out for sure. Maybe they are both cabrito...let me know, and I'll make the changes.

Hi Bart - I think you'll enjoy yourself.

Hi Ed - I think that we'll be headed here alot during the winter!

Hi TOG - I'm sure Josefina would be more than happy to keep feeding you for weeks.



Now we're talkin'!

¡Que Sabroso!


Let me translate:
By the way, great site. I visit often but this is the first time I leave a comment.

Behgo Behgo

i've actually had something like Birria de Chivo,although i'm not sure what the actual name was. . . I do remember that the place I went was known for a certain soup that looks like that , it was really really good!


Yum - I love a well cooked lamb meat. Nice review and thanks for stuffing yourself for us ;-)

Wandering Chopsticks

What's rez? I've seen that on menus sometimes and don't know what it means.

Oh, and "Donde esta el ban~o?" is you might after a meal like that! ;)



It all looks so delicious. I really need to visit SD soon!


I'd trade you a plate lunch for a bite of your meal! The birria de chivo seems especially intriguing! type of dessert did you receive? It looks like a custard/flan?

Captain Jack

I will definately give Nortenita a try, the Barbacoa looks great. I may hold off until the weather cools a bit though.


Wandering Chopsticks,
As in Tacos de res(beef tacos)


What exactly is the difeerence between a birria and a barbacoa? Sorry but Aust is greatly greatly lacking in mexican dishes. Its just tacos and burritos here with just mince and refried beans bleah. Think of 30 years ago when Chinese food to the western world was supposedly just egg rolls and fried rice - thats Australia's concept of mexican! Please tell me more!

The Office Goat

Forgive the impersonality of posting links, but these should answer your questions, Rachel:

Hope that helps! :-)


Hi Bri - Check them's quite good.

Hi Jose - Thanks for lending your expertise! It is strange, I've been to several restaurant in San Diego, that will use the two to mean the same thing. For example, at Pico Rico, I checking out the guisados, and I asked the nice lady whether the dish was Birria de Chivo or Barbacoa de Borrego, and she told me, "oh, it's both the same thing....."

Hi Behgo Behog - It is good stuff!

Hi Billy - Well you dedicated I am to stuffing myself! ;o)

Hi WC - As indicated before de Res is beef...mmmm good Caldo de Res!

Hi Reid - Make sure you let me know when you'll be coming!!!

Hi Kathy - She called it Gallantina..

Hi CJ - Funny thing, the Missus is already craving this stuff.

Hi Rachel - TOG has it covered.

Hi TOG - Gracias!


Does this place still exist? I found their number but its been disconnected...any confirmation on it would be great. Thx in advanced. Mark B.

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