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Sunday, 06 May 2007



Nothing like home cooked Vietnamese food....geesh talk about a treat.
I need to visit my mom in TX.

Andy 美國土子

Kirk, the food is fabulous! Nothing beats a good homecooked food. You forgot to leave Beach's phone number and address so we can attend =)


I agree with Andy!


When I saw that tank, I thought, hmm, I can see Beach riding that thing. I'm sorry I missed this.


I visited this new Sushi Deli today. It was just as mediocre as they said on Chowhound. I probably won't be going back.



Saturday was a freakin' unbelievable. We've got to get together again soon. Too much fun!

Passionate Eater

I think that the tanks were there to usher in the biggest celeb food blogger out there, and his wife, the Missus!

Gosh, I wish that Beach would visit the Bay Area soon, and open a restaurant up here!


chubby's has granite walls and countertops in his kitchen??....mmmm-yoso


The bun rieu looks incredible, I can only imagine how it would smell! :)I haven't had a bowl of homemade bun rieu since my mom started working full time when I was in middle school. #1 on summer agenda: convince mom it's time for another bowl, hehe ;)


Hi Billy - Better book a flight for Mom.

Hi Andy - Nothing quite like really good home made food...I mean REALLY GOOD food.

Hi Elmo - I showed that Missus your comment, and She cracked up, and agreed whole heartedly!

Hi Fred - I've been to Sushi Deli once......nuff said!

Hi CP - Ready for part deux? We had a blast....

Hi PE - I thought they were there to guard Beach's food from our ravenous appetites!

Hi RONW - Long time, eh? Actually, it's Beach's's fully renovated, and a thing of beauty! Talk about kitchen envy!

Hi Kathy - Are we invited? ;o)


where exactly on Convoy the Sushi Deli and the upcoming Crawfish/Crab place are?



where exactly on Convoy the Sushi Deli and the upcoming Crawfish/Crab place are?



Hi Wie - If you follow the links you can get the addresses since the new businesses replaced the old. Here are the addresses. For Sushi Deli 3, it should be;
5447 Kearny Villa Rd
San Diego, CA 92123
For the yet to open Crabhut it should be:
4646 Convoy St
San Diego, CA 92111.


Did the owner of Osaka Kitchen close the business or just relocate? I loved that guy, he was really cool.


Hi Bryan - I'm not quite sure....I'll ask around and find out.


Hi Kirk,

Did you ever find anything out about Osaka kitchen? I'm already missing their saba shioyaki; if you have any suggestions on that I'd be eternally grateful (we took a friend to the new Sushi Deli with its VERY LOUD music and ultra-hip/young crowd, definitely missed the old hole-in-the-wall feeling we got when we accidentally stumbled on it in 2003, having no luck finding parking in the mega-teppan place nearby -- see, I've even forgotten the name of it, we've never been there since).


Hi Mike - No I haven't heard anything, yet. I'm having lunch with some friends so will ask then. Have you had the Saba Shioyaki from Sakura, yet?

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