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Wednesday, 30 May 2007



I'm surprise you actually sat around and endure the fact that they were shady. To be honest with you if I don't see it it's fine with me but if I do see what's going on I wouldn't bother or attempt to do what you did. Then again we might have double standards. When I was in Mexico and saw how the local fried up chicharrones and boy was it so so so unappetizing but boy did it taste so so so so good.


Wow, I always wondered how that place was. It can be a pain having to go to Convoy just to go yum cha and get dim sum, but thanks to you, Kirk, I've discovered Silver Ark after that "guess the restaurant" stint you did! Your opinion on restaurants is as good as gold to me. Good to know HK BBQ and Dim Sum is about how I imagined.


Our friends from Hong Kong take us there regularly for Banquet meals. Over and over again, they have taken us to restaurants that I would normally avoid like the plague, and somehow manage to coax excellent meals from them (helps to speak Cantonese I guess).

At Hong Kong, he usually orders a few days in advance. He'll negotiate a price per head and work with the cook on the meal. We've had some pretty amazing meals in that "shady" little place.

But yah, I wouldn't eat Dim Sum there. The Hong Kong style Won Ton Soup is pretty good for a hangover. But I'd still take a bowl of #1 from across the street any day.


I always get the pig feet when I'm there. Nice and crispy, usually not too over cooked. I agree about the tripe, it's a solid offering.


Hi Kirk! After my horrific experience at Lucky Star, I'm now on the hunt for a good, inexpensive, SANITARY dim sum place. Any suggestions?


Oh, and where can I get some good spicy tako poke around here??


Hi, Dee- Cathy here. You can get all sorts of poke -one of them was tako when I was there in April- (including three types of tuna poke -mild, 'spicy' and 'wasabi'-) at Bristol Farms in the UTC area for $11.95 a pound. There is a "Poke Bar" as it were where you can fill a container (and it is weighed at checkout) in the back of the store between the Meat Counter and Japanese grab and go section, right behind the Cheese Counter area.


Cathy, you just made my weekend. I can't wait to get me some spicy tako! Thanks!


Hi Billy - They weren't shady, just a bit harried and careless.

Hi Chizzed - Thanks so much, I try to be as honest as I can.

Hi Janfrederick - It helps to have connections....that's why so many people have great meals at Jasmine, they know the Owners, plan ahead, and such. Us mere mortals on the other hand......

Hi Steve - Pig's Feet...mmmm, sounds good. The tripe was the best thing I had.

Hi Dee - Well, inexpensive Dim Sum? I've got to really check around..... Silver Ark is pretty reasonable, and they always have specials. But, I'll keep my antennas up!

Thanks, Cathy!


Dim sum strikeout. Sadness...


Hi CP - You are right...let us bow our heads......


still have been too afraid to eat ther. i give you bonus points for being brave!!! i have tried the chasiu there and it's delicious. it might have been luck, or hunger, but it was tender and flavorful. it's the regular soy style.. not the sweet glazed type.


Hi CSB - The Chinese BBQ does look good, it was the first thing that attracted us to the place. Still haven't tried it though.

Lori A

I just found out that you reviewed the place I asked about .. haha

I'm disappointed that you had such a bad experience there. I decided to go there with my family for dinner and they offered dim sum at night. The items you got were warm and soft for us. I'm guessing they're more of a dinner place than breakfast.

Either way, I appreciated that you took the trouble to try them out. THANKS!


Hi Lori - I'm glad you had a nice dinner...I still haven't tried the BBQ here, but the Dim Sum was bad, even by fast-food standards.

Gordon Wagner

I've had very nice dim sum at "The Pearl" restaurant in Rancho Bernardo, it's a large restaurant which is always bustling. I was curious about Hong Kong BBQ Din Sum (?)and I appreciate your review. I think I'll stick with "The Pearl"!

11666 Avena Place, Rancho Bernardo, CA 92128. (858) 487-3388.


Hi Gordon - Thanks for visiting and taking the time out to comment. We've been to Pearl many times:


This place is actually a great place. All of their dishes are done extremely well and are authentic. They are also incredibly inexpensive. The exception is the dim sum, but that is because it is not made to order. Do not go there for dim sum. But you will be pleasantly surprised by all the other food.


This place is actually a great place. All of their dishes are done extremely well and are authentic. They are also incredibly inexpensive. The exception is the dim sum, but that is because it is not made to order. Do not go there for dim sum. But you will be pleasantly surprised by all the other food.


Hi Bob - Thanks for dropping by and commenting. I recently had the Chinese BBQ here:

It was ok, but not great by any means.

The term "authentic" is a slippery slope to me... authentic based on what? Chiu Chow Chinese BBQ, a visit to Hong Kong last week, a visit to HK 20 years ago? Which is why I never use that term.... Food is dynamic...and while the Chinese BBQ was OK, it was by no means very good!

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