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Saturday, 31 March 2007



Yeah - if I can get my in-laws to eat raw fish.......more brownie points for me ;-)


You've done it again.. made a pregnant woman salivate all over her laptop.. ! all of the dishes you've shared so far that you've cooked, look wonderful. You'd be someone I'd definitely want to learn dishes from!


Hi Billy - Yes, much more "brownie - points" means finding the right vehicle!

Hi Aileen - So sorry.....what can I make that will make up for this? I'm not much of a cook, really....though I've done time as a short-order cook of sorts.


Ohlala! That is NICE Kirk! I've only done ahi seared plain, and left the furikake-ing to restaurants, but you make it look tooo easy! All the furikake would probably fall off and I'd make a huge mess in the kitchen if I attempted this, hehe....
...but you do have me thinking that maybe i SHOULD attempt it! :)

Passionate Eater

You've also made a non-pregnant woman salivate on her keyboard too! You did an excellent job of searing the tuna and leaving the inside such a stunning color.

And also, thank you so much for your kind words of support. I can't describe how much you've encouraged me and kept me going(when I was ready to stop blogging at times). And you're right, you stuck by me even during the fast! No matter what changes in my food blogging lifetime, I will always be a HUGE fan and follower of Mmm-Yoso!! :)



This looks delicious! :P

The Guilty Carnivore

Raw Ahi flesh is the ultimate in food porn. I love this preparation too - so simple. Saucebox here in Portland does this, however it's $14 for about 1/4 of your portion!

That's interesting about your in-laws. My mom feels exactly the same way - she can't be bothered with sashimi. Which I find odd, in that she and my the other Vietnamese side of family will eat cubes of congealed pig blood and suck the heads and eyeballs from a shrimp.


mmmm...kirk that looks really good. when my cousin michelle brought her japanese born husband over, he got so addicted to his mother in law's wok glazed sea bass, she made it for him three nights in a row!

Andy 美國土子

wow.. that looks absolutely fabulous. A question about Mirin.. I've noticed two kinds at the market. One is in the wine section and is mirin made from sake... or soem kind of grain. the other doesn't contain alcohol and closer to a syrup in the sauce section.

Which one does one u se for your wasabi oil?


Hi Kathy - It's really, really easy to'll have no problems. I always believe if I can make something, anyone can.

Hi PE - LOL! Lot's of salivating going on here.... I sincerely mean what I wrote.

Hi Reid - I hadn't made this in a few years...I forgot how easy it was!

Hi GC - Yes, I find it odd as well. Though I think that fish without a head thing, is because you're not able to judge the freshness of a fish by checking the eyes, plus a belief that if the fish is already cut up, it must be an inferior product.

Hi Penny - I love that day I'll blog about the first time my MIL made Jiaozhi for me!

Hi Andy - You want the one with alcohol, the other is probably Aji-Mirin and is really lousy, it's also probably synthetically made....I never use that stuff.

clare eats

That looks awesome kirk!
I am sooo going to have to make it.
Probably on the weekend the boy will go nutso :)


LOL - The Guilty Carnivore - sounds like my parents...


Simple, beautiful and so ono.


Hi Clare - I hope it turns out well! Let me know....

Hi Billy - It seems to be a common thread!

Hi Alan -You forgot...and so easy!


I'd pay top dollar at a restaurant to have this. Excellent photos, excellent presentation, excellent recipe!


Hi Elmo - You don't need to overpay for's simple enough to make at home.


that's a really fantastic recipe to share!! thanks!!


Hi Annie - Really easy stuff.


Can I have permission to post this on my recipe page on fb? Itʻs called Ono Kine Recipes. Thank you.


Sure Stanette, no problem.

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