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Tuesday, 27 February 2007



This place sounds excellent. Thanks!


Looks like good stuff! Hopefully they stick around for a bit; that particular location has a ton of restaurants, which means competition for customers!


Another great review, Vicky! The mushroom panchan looks yummy, and the pitcher of iced tea was a nice touch. Can't wait to see what other items are on the menu there.


Mizducky - You're very welcome! Hope you enjoy the restaurant as much as I did!

Fred - I hope it lasts also! I've been there 3 times in the last week and they've been SWAMPED! I had like a 20 minute wait each time. Hopefully business stays good for them!

Kingkong5 - Thanks! :) The mushroom panchan WAS really good! The prices there are also super reasonable. Most of the items are around 7.95 to 15. They also had these big stew/hotpot things for more than 2 people. Those ranged around 19.95. I forgot the price the dishes we ordered... Mine was 9.95 and S's was 7.95. Hope that helps!


Wait... where is this? Is it in the same strip mall as O'Briens and Yogurt World? We went to a Korean place (with sushi!) last night next to Yogurt World but I don't know if it was the same. It was good, though.


No, that is Balboa Tofu House in the 4600 block. Chun Ju Jip is in the mall with that other Tofu House a few blocks south (and acros the street). The Korean place you went to is good, though...and you'll hear more about it soon enough... :)

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