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Tuesday, 12 December 2006



Kirk, video cam. It would be awesome to watch this guy in action.

Joseph E

I had no idea. You once mentioned (Chowhound? Comments another blog?) having eaten at some of the better restaurants around but choosing not to post on them. I believe you mentioned that you wanted to write about the sort of places an ordinary person could eat. Well, I'm impressed by this one, and I'm glad you took the time to photograph and write. I may never eat at a place like this, here or in Japan, but it was wonderful to share the experience with you.

I read the linked posts before starting your review, and I must say that you are too hard on yourself. Perhaps your literary ability is not perfect, but your memory and attention to detail make up for it. So far, yours has been the most informative and colorful review; I can almost imagine tasting each dish.

I'm looking forward to the Sushi.

Joseph E

Oh, and is Cathy doing to write about the blogger dinner at Hawthorns, as mentioned in Oh-So Yummy? (


Whoa. Sounds so good! Hiro-san has some skills with his hands! ;)

Can't wait to read about the rest of your meal and your sake!


you add personal spark to the review. the other people are very detailed but its like reading a menu description.

gj! i look forward to reading more


Ahhhhh, Kirk! Crazy! You must have had such an incredible experience - I am jealous beyond words (while stuffing yet another donut in my mouth)! I'm looking forward to part 2 :)

Andy 食神

holy crap... that was only the 1/3 of the dinner. Seeing how exquisite everything is... no wonder why ppl say it make Matsuhisa seem cut rate!

Andy 食神

does that say, 浦澤? does that pronounce at Urasawa?

clare eats



I can't wait to read the rest of the review....

* Note* Kirk, I say this in all seriousness. I LOVE your reviews, and your unique voice it adds so much to the whole blog experience. This is why you are one of my all time fav bloggers.

ed (from Yuma)






I will try this before Christmas with my family. How long was the meal? Is that too much food for 1 sitting? I prefer Kubota Manju myself. As a matter of fact, I will bring a bottle tonight to share with Chubbypanda at our OC bloggers get together.

H. C.

OMG definite food porn and my 2nd Urasawa picture viewing this month... I wonder if Hiro will begin setting up a tripod for us bloggers.

And great blog, btw! Will definitely check out when I'm looking for recs down SD.

The Guilty Carnivore This experience reminds me of the experience one would have at Alinea in Chicage (if I'd ever been to a place like that), but more accessible and less..."elitist" (effete?) - for lack of a better word (and keep in mind I'm quite the plebe).

I'm not sure how you are going to be able to put away the food in parts 2 and 3. Perhaps there's an adjunct vomitorium room a la the Romans? So decadent!


Wow Kirk! So glad I can eat vicariously through you and your photos! Can't wait for the next installments.


*wipes drool* I... damn. Just... *drools*


did you ask for more kobe beef =)


Hi Jean - That thought had crossed my mind - but I may have recorded every moment, and not eaten my meal! ;o)

Hi JosephE - Thanks! Most of the "really popular" restaurants, at least here in San Diego have had so much converage...I don't know if there's anything left to say. Plus, I usually eat like a regular Guy anyway. But this was pretty least I thought so. Who knows, I may do Tapenade or El Bizcocho the next time we go......

Hi Kristy - Ya' got that right! You gotta get MS to take you there.

Hi Clayfu - First off, you did study, right? As for the Kobe Beef, you'll have to stand by.....

Hi Kathy - It was my culinary highlite of the year.

Hi Andy - It's the "heavier" part of the meal. I don't read kanji, so let me ask someone.

Hi Clare - Thanks! I do miss you and Rachel......

Hi Ed - Ditto...

Hi Aileen - Double Ditto...but if I'm speechless than there should be silence...oh well!

Hi Beach - Our meal lasted about 3 1/2 hours. I'm afraid my photos makes everything look alot bigger - these except for the shabu-shabu are pretty small and manageable. I think we did over 30 courses and were satisfied and not stuffed. Give my regards to those fantastic OC bloggers, will ya????

Hi HC - Thanks for the kind words....and Hiro-san may just have to set-up a papparazzi section!

Hi GC - I can't really say enough about Hiro-san, he's very amiable, low-keyed, and has a great sense of humor.

Hi Candice - It's good to see you writing again, so I can eat vicariously through you as well.

Hi MN - I keep a box of napkins on my desk for times like these! LOL! Thanks for stopping by and commenting, I appreciate it!


Wow Kirk, how are you ever going to eat sushi again in SD?? I don't think Sushi Ota or Sakura can compare!


Aloha Kirk! I really enjoyed reading this one, realizing I may never eat a meal that good! The fish looks so delicious! Looking forward to your next parts.

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