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Wednesday, 29 November 2006



"My only complaint would be that the siu mai wrapper was welded to the plate, and everything fell apart"

never had a siu mai myself that didn't. They're not suppose to fall apart then?


Sorry to hear about Noble Chef changing hands, but those folks did looks ready to retire. Here's to hoping the new generation gets their wok hei down soon!


The spicy pork noodle soup was probably my favorite dish too when we went to Chin's.

Speaking of XLB, I'm thinking of trying to make a wacky fusion version. I'm debating whether to just take the easy way out and buy wrappers, or go all the way and make my own.


Loved that Shanghai Chao Nian Gao at Chin's. I love rice cakes/noodles in any form--just got a thing for that distinctive chewy texture--but Chin's rice cakes were especially lovely that way.

Hmmmm ... perhaps you could generate a Chin's cheat-sheet for those of us without Chinese-fluent partners ... :-)


Hi RONW - Than you really haven't had good Siu Mai!

Hi Trent - Yes, they did look ready to retire...I hope they enjoy their retirement.

Hi Howie - It's my favorite as well. I'd be interested in knowing how the XLB turn out.

Hi mizducky - We used to have a copy of the menu....need to get our hands on it, and try to do a translation.


Hey Kirk,

It's amazing how similar our food tastes are. You like all the stuff I like!

- Chubbypanda

Passionate Eater

Kirk, I agree with Chubby Panda, everyone loves your tastes in food!



Yum, I think the fried rice cake sounds so good, but I am sucker for rice cake! The quail sui mai now that is something I would love to get a bite of!


Hi CP - Great minds.....he-he-he

Hi PE - I dunno, I just like to eat!

Hi Mills - It's good stuff, really good stuff.


Hey...great blog! haha. We (family and I) go to noble chef and have been going when it was Noble House off El Cajon or Univ avenue. I remember eating there when I was about 13 years old. That family has been around, when they left the original location, it took them a while to move to Clmt Mesa. Now that they've sold I am not sure how it's gonna be. I haven't been there since the change, but I am hoping to try it out. Thank you for the excellent blog. You should try the "Bot Chien", ummm...i forget what it's called in English, but it's like the top line item on the second or third page of the menu. Alright man. Thank you.


Hi Chris - I'm sorry that I missed your comments. Thanks for stopping by and contributing. Are you mentioning the turnip cake with scrambled egg? Let me know what you think of the new Ownership...I'm hoping once they get all the "kinks" worked out, it will be as good as ever!


I'm sure there would be some chaos when the new owner first took over Noble Chef. However, I just went there yesterday during busy lunch hours. I think they are doing a good job on organizing everything. The food was quick and delicious as always. I just think that they should do more advertisement because not so many people know about that place (at least my college friends don't before they know me). Their food is very authentic and way better then Sam-Woo. Anyway, I'm looking forward to see the Noble Chef to get more popular.


Hi Vikki - That's great, we haven't been back since that visit since we wanted to give them some time to get organized.


The first and only time I tried the Nobel Chef was around 1997, I remember I had the Beff Chow Fun. It was the best I had since I left China and SF and came to SD. Been meaning to go back and check them out, just hasn't happened yet.

Kirk and friends,
Love your blog, you don't know how many times I rely on your posting to find a place to eat/try.

Also want to add, have anyone tried the roast duck at the Hong Kong place in the Viny-Hung market. I thought they (yes, there are 2 versions. The regular one and the flat one, both are very good and crispy.) are very good. All the roast/BBQ stuff are fairly authentic for a Cantonese. I even ordered a whole medium roast pig for a party one time, $178, it was a HIT!!


Hi Nicole - Thanks for visiting, and the kind words. I've seen the BBQ "hanging" at Hong Kong BBQ & Dim Sum - but have only had the dim sum so far...which I didn't think much of. I'm always looking for good Chinese BBQ, so I'll have to give it a try. Thanks also for reminding me that I haven't gone back to noble Chef in a while!

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