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Sunday, 15 October 2006



Hi Cathy - You know, this is one of those places that you always pass by without entering....I give you so much credit for checking it out!


That's what makes this so much fun to blog about...the Mister and I *do* just stop in everyplace...and find such *wonderful* treasures. I don't know why more people don't do this...its kind of exciting...
Now that I am blogging, I hope other people read and aren't afraid to do the same. You just never know...


Hi Cathy,
thanks for posting this place. I've always wonder what the chicken is like.
I'm going to stop by the next time I'm around there.

What's with the daylight warning?


You can not, and I seriously mean, CAN NOT beat fried food. It's just finger lickin'!


I used to deliver mail in the area, and I think you're considerate to suggest visiting in daylight. It's by no means a dangerous area, but single women on their own might be uncomfortable if they didn't know that neighborhood at night.
On the other hand, many great restaurants are all along El Cajon Blvd. - just look for the parked mail trucks!


Hi, Didi- See Trent's comment...It doesn't look to be a too scary neighborhood, but after sundown...I might be a little more cautious to being in that area alone.
You will like the food from here.

Jean-YES! Oh you understand....thx.

Trent- Thanks for the tip. I know when we drive cross country, we look for where all the semi trucks are parked....gotta be the same for mail trucks out here.

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