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Saturday, 14 October 2006



Hi Cathy - I'm glad you managed to post on Mien Trung, they are supposed to have the best Bun Bo Hue in San Diego, though I still haven't been able to make it there.


Its right there....Just park in front of K Sandwiches and walk on can pick up something from K to take home....(we do- usually for breakfast the next day).
I googled Bun Bo Hue and the stuff here seems to be true Hue- the fatter noodles and its a beef/pork broth.


I've been here a few times. Pretty good Bun Bo Hue but Kirk is the expert on that so I'm curious to hear what he has to say.


It is different tasting than other places, which is probably why I like it. Kirk may not like the oily part of it...I think that helps with the richness and the heat...I know Kirk was supposed to be going the other day. He will let us all know. His descriptions are better than mine in this category....and we may disagree, but I am just blogging about what I like....


darnit didn't see that it wasn't open monday i just went =x

instead i went to the place in the k sandwich plaza, pretty tasty.

more "authentic" vietnamese like pho traung


Hi Clafu- Sorry about that. I didn't over-emphasize the hours...but don't feel bad...they were closed a couple of Tuesdays this past summer, and were closing up at 7 p.m. a few nights also...I suppose when its family run, you can make your own hours. Do go back, though. I know you will like it.


Hi Cathy - Actually, the oil content is about "medium", it's not really oily, at least for my standards. The Bun Bo Hue, is quite good, the broth balanced, nice sour-salty-spicy, and though I enjoy my version a bit more "pungent", and I thought the spice level to be on the mild side, all of which can be adjusted, it is very good. We did eat a whole bunch of stuff, and I'll probably do a post a bit later....but the Missus loves the Bun Rieu here, I mean She really loves it.


...and that is the difference between us, Kirk...I thought the spice level was just enough heat...on the edge of too much... and you thought it was mild...That's why we blog!

I was curious about the Bun Rieu, but have never tried it here. Now I will.


Hi Cathy--I'm a big fan of Bun Bo Hue, so I made a point of going to this place the other day and getting the #2 Large Dac Biet. That was one fine bowl of soup! Plus I had a lovely little chat with the son who works the front-of-house. They forgot to put the pork blood in, even after I specifically told them too--apparently they couldn't quite believe this crazy Caucasian woman liked the stuff! :-) We had a good laugh about that, and I really didn't miss it with all the other stuff going on in that bowl. But I am going to re-remind them when next I go: yes, the white girl really does want it full-on with pork blood and all!


Hi MizD- So glad you liked it...The way I get around it is to sort of make the shape of a small bowl with my hands, like I want the blood in a small bowl on the side...saying "yes, please, blood"...I guess it is rare that Caucasians have an appreciation of the proper rather than "waste" it, they just don't give us any....Just like they seem to automatically bring us a fork...(grrrr)


once again i go.
thursday 7pm.



Oh, no, clayfu...its gotta be that they just close when it looks like nobody else is coming in that day, since they close at 8 p.m. anyhow...or maybe they were going home to watch the World Series on Thursday... It is open (and busy) at lunch time....I know both Mizducky and Kirk have been there since I blogged about it (and Kirk will be putting up his notes about Mien Trung this week).


Long-time lurker here. Tried this establishment today, 17 months after the last previous post. Perhaps I don't possess the qualified palate of some, but I found the #1 Spicy Beef Soup lacking in beef flavor nor any hint of star anise or clove. Sour as it was, it didn't need any lime, nor was any offered. Toughest beef I've ever encountered at a Vietnamese restaurant. Perhaps there's been a change in ownership or cook staff?


Welcome to the other side of the blog, TMoB! It sounds like you hit a particularly off day at Mien Trung. If you look at the link to map of the Revised Rotation(in the left column, under "Pages", you'll see it is still one of Kirk and His Missus' favorite places-and his blogging about it- The meat is not always tender and is chopped roughly, more home made, but I kind of like it that way. The owners, workers and cooks are a family from Hue, which makes the food far more authentic. Maybe something was going on and Mom wasn't the cook that day. Do try it again. No, you don't get mint or lime here. It is more of a 'working man' type of style of food.


o man...totally forgot about this place. my first bun bo hue was here and i loved it! i think i'm going to have to get some viet food for lunch tomorrow. i will def. have to go here next time i come down. i had ba ren for dinner after our lunch was delicious!


Good God Sawyer - You must have a really fast metabolism!


Sawyer, you found my first Vietnamese Restaurant post! This is still the best BBH I have had, even though I seem to be at Lucky weekly. I have been craving Ba Ren this week for some reason. Lunch was *excellent*. I need to post on all of that food.

Kirk-Sawyer got a foot massage next door, after we ate. Apparently that is the secret to helping the metabolism. Perhaps we need to do some research. :)

ed (from Yuma)

I'd forgotten that it was you, Cathy, who discovered this gem of a restaurant. No doubt I read this post, but had forgotten about it by the time I made it to the Mien Trung. Unfortunately, I haven't had the bbh or the bun rieu there on either of my visits to SD this summer. bummer.


There are only so many meals you can fit into a day, ed. I've been here a few times this summer, took photos, just haven't posted...


haha i like this "you might like" tool you guys have at the end of the posts.

foot massage for 20 bucks isn't bad at all's more like a full body cuz you soak your feet for some time.

haha kirk i wish. swimming in pb and getting the beer munchies worked up my appetite again. that and i didn't have pancakes for breakfast =p

i feel ya ed. too many places to try!

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