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Wednesday, 05 July 2006


Jack Kress

Just want to thank you. I had my first meal at Ba Ren tuesday night. That place rocks! I would never have known about it without your Blog. I am reviewing The Dining Room at Jack's in La Jolla tonight. Should have it up by Tuesday, mabey sooner. Chef Tony DiSalvo is supposed to be a stud.
Jack Kress


Sala Thai is a nice little restaurant who isn't outstanding but does overall a pretty good job.


Hi Jack - A most warm welcome to you! I've been enjoying your blog. I'm glad you enjoy Ba Ren; there's nothing even close to it in San Diego. I look forward to your future posts.

Hi Honkman - It seems that you just about summed it up for me. I should just do photos and let you do the text, huh?


Maybe you could start by saying "A Thai friend recommended me this place, you know" That might make them shape up their act ;)

Sad that it wasn't a out of the world experience. but authentic sounding menus aren't even everything. I went to an Indian restaurant here in our new country town on Weds night, trying it out as it had authentic South Indian dishes such as Chicken Palak and biriyani on the menu. It even had bollywood movies playing on a TV/VCR. Sadly everything was really washed out. I have made chinese fried rice that tasted more like the biriyani (a rice pilaf with meat or veggies cooked in very aromatic spices) than theirs!!!

Ellen T. Brenner

Another Thai restaurant washout--bummer! I'm only just beginning to realize how spoiled I was for Thai food back in Seattle. There were some real winners up there.


Hi Rachel - This was decent neighborhood Thai. That sounds like a terrible eating experience you had...but then again, I bet you make a mean fried rice! ;o)

Hi Ellen - Just decent, nothing to get excited about Thai food.


Maybe you can tell me...why is it that in all of the cities I've lived in (a lot) there is always at least one Thai restaurant called Sala Thai?


Hi Kady - Don't have a clue??? Maybe someone out there knows....


Hi Kirk,

Thanks for all your hard work. I really enjoy your site.

I'm trying to "calibrate" my Thai restaurant meter so I'm wondering what your opinion is of Thai House on Convoy and Jade Thai on Friars road.


Hi JP - Thanks for stopping by and taking the time out to comment. Calibrate, now that sounds so scientific! I've never been to Jade Thai. But as for Thai House, we visited there more then a few times, and thought the food was pretty good(Americanized Thai). But on our last visit(back in '01), the dishes we had were terrible, and we asked if they had changed chefs. The food to that point, had been okay in spite of the frozen peas and carrots in various dishes, and the super-Westernized dishes. We stopped eating there at that point. So, tell me, is Thai House worth a visit? I'll try it again in an instant, if you recommend it.


Hi Kirk,

Personally, I think Jade Thai edges out Thai House by a small margin. I recommend giving it a shot.



Hi JP - Thanks for the rec - I'll put that on my list.

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