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Monday, 17 April 2006



We had 1 order of dumplings at the Rainbow. The filling was a little "off" and lets not discuss the wrapper at all. Let's just say that a pasta roller is at the top of my Christmas list! Well, that and Asian veggie seeds.


You caught me right in the middle of a dumpling obsession and I really shouldn't be reading this post on an empty stomach!

clare eats



Hi Jo - Hope you get everything on your list.

Hi Kathy - So many little time!

Hi Clare - I DO TOO!!!!!! LOL!


dumplings are like chips... you need to eat like a thousand of em... and you still don't feel full... but i like em!

BTW, if you ever have a chance to order gyoza at Shin Sen Gumi.... Don't! stick to the Ramen, cause their gyoza is like made for baby hamsters, they're so dinky... actually, i take that back they're probably able to fill up an adult hamster ... don't want to misinform.....


Hi Kirk. We love their shrimp dumplings. They have a great flavor, and that "snap" that lots of other shrimp dumplings don't have.


Hi DCCF - Dumplings, Gyoza, and Hamsters in the same paragraph???? LOL! Thanks for the info on SSG.

Hi liver(bomb) - I should've ordered that instead of the fish dumplings.



So, here I am trying to catch up on some of the posts I have missed, and all I want now is hot pot and dumplings. *sigh* I do have to say that I love a thicker wrapper myself. *contemplates making dumplings* Whooo...


Is the rainbow located in NC? You have me curious to know what the dumplings were like. I might have to call you!


Hi Mills - Welcome back, hope to see a dumpling post soon!


Rock cod dumplings sound pretty good...maybe the Missus might want to conduct a little culinary experiment at home.


Hi Jack - Not quite sure about those - I've never had any fish dumplings that I've enjoyed.


Yep, the Rainbow is here, just of 24 and around the corner from our storage. I want to go again but we are trying to cut our spending to the bone until we get the house deal done.

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