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Sunday, 09 April 2006




I feel so honoured to be mentioned in your blog! :) My camera is still out of order so I will likely be sharing more vintage cookbook oddities for awhile.


Oh my. The storefront for Ume No Ya makes me think of a dive bar, what with the super-tiny window and all. I wonder whether the clientele and/or staff from the strip-j... --oh, excuse me, "gentleman's club" :-) spills over into the restaurant in the evening hours?

Joseph E

Thank you for posting even the poor pictures with this review. I think most of your readers would be happy to seen an occasional text-only post, if pictures from a restaurant are unavailable. Certainly, I would enjoy hearing your opinion of Parallel 33 even without the pictures to prove it.


Hi Kirk,

Great idea you have here.

Please accept my apologies for not coming around in a while (a long while, I might add)! Work should be slowing down in a couple of weeks and life should be almost back to normal then.


Dark restaurants are the bane of food bloggers. I have to forgo a review of Bouchon in Las Vegas because the photos I took were so bad. Oh well, it's not like they're some obscure restaurant that no one knows about.

And Pork BUM! Did you know that Noodle stall next to the Hong Kong Market on Colima serves PORK RECTUM! Honest to goodness! That's what they call it!


Hi Amanda - Oh my, you're welcome! I Look forward to more fun posts.

Hi mizducky - There seemed to be a steady flow of Japanese Nationals eating there, I don't think they all came from the.......

Hi Joseph E - Thanks for the kind words. We love the Lamb Tajine at Parallel 33, though to me the appetizers there have been hit and miss.

Hi Reid - We've missed ya', hope all is well, and thing return to normal soon.

Hi Elmo - I'll take a double order of Pork Bum, and a side of rectum???? I wonder how many people order that? It was Bouchon's loss I'm sure! ;o)


ROFL love the pork bum photo!!! glad you had the camera handy to catch it. :)


Hi Rachel - I was laughing so hard I almost forgot about my camera!!!!


Hi Kirk and merci!! so I just got off the phone with number one daughter and we are going this weekend to have the langue de canard (duck's tongue), of course, we'll order some other stuff too...just in case...and thanks so much!


Hi EmilyK - No, thank you, I felt as if you did that post just for me! Sounds like a nice dining adventure - can't wait to read about it and see the photos.


LOLOL at the pork bum. nice.


Hi stef - Hope all is well. I think we might now know what the "secret ingredient" may be!!!


Hi Kirk, just found your Umenoya post. I had the same problem with the light! I wonder if I picked up the thing for acronyms from you too.. ;) Hope you're having a good weekend.


Hi Dennis - Sheesh, looking back at these photos makes me wince. ;o) If you only knew how many visits it took just to get one to turn out ok! Hopefully, my skills have gotten a bit better....perhaps I need to drop by again.

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