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Wednesday, 08 March 2006



mmm that guacamole looks really delicious!!! *drool* nothing beats making stuff from really fresh produce!


Thar sign about the avocados kind of makes me want to cry, as does your wife's guacamole recipe. On Friday I paid $3.57 US for a single avocado because I've been craving them so much. I put it on the shelf when I got home and intended to eat it for breakfast the next morning. I forgot about it, though, and now it's rotten. I'm stupid.
In Japan, my friend and I were eating them with just a little soy sauce and wasabi. Yummy! (They were a dollar each there, still expensive compared to yours there, but manageable.)


$2 for 10 avocados!!!! that almost makes Fed Ex worth it. my local market prices aren't as steep as jenn's ($1.29 for organic, EACH, and 89 cents for conventional), but still.... i make guac all the time but i've never tried it with roasted hot peppers! gotta try that sometime.


Hi Rachel - Nothing like locally grown fresh produce.

Hi Jenn - Oh, I feel bad about that super expensive avocado....My Mom would eat avocados with shoyu and sugar...just like green mango!

Hi stef - Roasting the Jalapeno's takes away the "green" taste that they sometimes have, and adds a bit of sweetness.


avacados with shoyu and sugar....tis' da only way. My credentials?....I grew up near two avacado trees. We didn't call them avacados though, but instead "pears". Well, one tree did produce the pear-shaped avacados, and the other had the round type avacados.



I used to drive by the fruit stand all the time on my way to/from Costco, but that's not the closest one to me anymore! I had no idea that they moved indoors- probably a wise move! mmmm... guacamole... I might have to try your wife's recipe this weekend :)


wooo! are they super busy on saturdays? i have to work all day tomorrow but saturday... I plan to make this guac recipe. Mmmm it sounds so good!!!!!! I'll take pics too..hee
(btw i started a pseudo food blog listed above soon i'll put some sd/la findings!)


Wow, $2 for 10 avocados is a steal! And the strawberries look quite good too.

The guacamole recipe sounds interesting. I've never tried it with roasted peppers either.


Hi RONW - Until I grew up, that's the only way I knew to eat avocados...Mom called them "pears" as well. Great memories!

Hi Joan - It's just a real quick and dirty recipe - She first created for some burgers I was grilling.

Hi Stacey - Look forward to your posts! I don't think that they are very busy on Saturdays.

Hi Howie - Actually our favorite "produce stand" I think is called "Family Farms", on right off Friars as it meets Mission Gorge - I'll do a poat soon! Roasting the peppers gives it a more smoky-slightly sweet flavor, and gets rid of the "green" flavor they sometime have.


Avocados with milk and sugar was how I use to eat them when I was a kid. It's a little too rich for me now.


Hi Kirk. Thanks for the post. I've been driving all the way to Carlsbad for fresh strawberry's because I didn't know of any good fruit stands near me. Now I know!


Hi Jack - sounds pretty rich.....

Hi JP - There are a few pretty good produce stands around the Morena/Linda Vista/Mission Gorge area. The fruit stand often will have Carlsbad Strawberries as well. It can be hit and miss though.

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