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Friday, 17 March 2006


Passionate Eater

Happy Saint Patrick's Day to you too! Get well soon Kirk! I hope that you aren't under the weather for too long.


kirk, go to McDonalds and grab a Shamrock Shake... make you feel betta


Happy Belated St. Patrick's Day! I hope you feel well enough for some boxtys, Irish Stew, and rice!


Hi PE - Thanks! I'm just a bit tired is all.

Hi DCCF - I forgot about those Shamrock Shakes - I'm lactose intolerant - so that may create more of a problem.

Hi Howie - Same back at ya Howie!


lactose intolerant... such an asian


Hi DCCF - Did you expect any less from me! :o)


My St. Patrick's Day was taking care of my sick 1/4 Irish son. I didn't even get a chance to tip a Guiness, only had a Bass Ale in the fridge.


Hey Jack - Hopefully, you'll make up for that soon!

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