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Monday, 20 February 2006



kirk, that's my kinda place... no nononsense you know what you're getting and lots of it kinda place...

hey kirk, how do you guys eat so well without having a bi-weekly angioplasty of your arterial walls? what are your secret jedi cholesterol tricks?

i wanna eat like you guys and not trip over myself too... ;p


Alright, I can handle those prices! Sounds like some good shopping grub. We never know where to eat when we're in the area so this is really helpful. Thanks, Kirk!


Hey, where's the Wayback Machine?

I remember going by this place a couple times, definately a good ol' fashioned neighborhood Burger n'Beer joint.

Me and my folks used to get pizza from NYPD Pizza which is next door to Peabody's I think.


Those are great prices! Everytime I read your blog, it makes me want to move to San Diego. ):


judging by the pictures, the food person really put a lot of care into his work. It shows.


Hi Kirk,

The burger looks delicious and is a bargain at $3.99, especially since it's homemade. The burgers at Big City Diner are great, but are double the price (and seem to be preformed).

Lucky indeed.

clare eats

I agree! YUM!!!!!


thanks alot kirk, now you got me craving bar food and grease. LOL! man that stuff looked good--everyone needs to have their fix of bar food every once in awhile!


Kirk, are those prices for real??? I didn't think you could find deals like that in the Fashion Valley area :) We tend to avoid the area for the same reasons you mention, but I'll have to keep it in mind the next time I want to shop and need a bite to eat!


Ahhh...the neighborhood bar...wish I had one of those here in Irvine...


Hi DCCF - Sounds like you'd fit right in. On another note, I need to up my activity level.....

Hi Kady - I think you call it right, it's decent grub.

Hi James - Yep, next to NYPD. Did you like their pizza? We really didn't care for the pizzas there too much, though we enjoyed the sandwiches. Still haven't been to the Fondue place.

Hi RONW - Have to say, it's still nothing like the Bar Grub in Hawaii!

Hi Reid - The burgers are pretty good, and handmade. No frills just good.

Hi Clare - Double Yum!! LOL!

Hi Grace - I still think you have it better in LA/OC.

Hi Pam - Yes, every once in a while it's great to get a "fix".

Hi Joan - If you stay away from the beers ($5), it can be pretty inexpensive - there's even a Rib Eye Steak and potatoes for like $14.99.

Hi Elmo - Never found one in Rowland Heights either. What's the deal with that?


Hi Kirk - looks like we were both craving burgers! Have you been to Hodad's in OB? Their burgers are amazing and super cheap!


Kirk - We used to like NYPD, but then we discovered Venice on El Cajon Blvd. (Near the 15) and found their pizza better, along with Lefty's.


Hi Kirk - Thanks for the post. I have completely forgotten about this place. They do make a good straightforward burger. Of course, it could always be made better with "spread" :)


Hi Candice - Hodad's is delici-yoso!!! We should get down to OB more often.

Hi James - I've driven past Venice hundreds of times and have always wondered how the food was there. Thanks for the info.

Hi Jack - I enjoy the burgers with the sweet and spicy mustard that's on the table. The Missus likes Hers "spreadless".....LOL!



The food looks really good. I have to say that the fired and onion rings caught my eyes. They're making my mouth water as I type, and I am supposed to getting to sleep soon! ARGH! ;P


Hi Mills - There are times when nothing beats good bar food.


being the burger connoisseurs that we are, Hodads's in OB serves up the best burgers in town. add a side of "frings" and its heaven... delici-yoso!

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